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“广场协议”对日本经济的影响 摘要:20世纪80年代,美国与日本的双边贸易摩擦不断加剧。1985年,美日等国签订了著名的“广场协议”,引发日元急剧升值。日元升值给日本经济带来了短期利益,大大提高了日元升值在国际货币体系中的地位。90年代初,日本经济由稳定增长转而出现日元升值、泡沫膨胀及破裂、通货紧缩以及经济持续低迷等现象,直至今日,日本经济一直长期不振。可以说,“广场协议”带来的日元急剧升值是日本经济长期低迷的重要原因,但是,“广场协议”只是加速了日元升值的进程,而不是升值的肇始者。1985年以前,日元已具备了升值基础,“广场协议”仅是加速了这一进程,推动日元汇率在短期内出现过度调整。但“广场协议”使得日元急剧升值是不争的事实,而日元升值是日本泡沫经济形成与破裂的重要原因。当前,中国和日本在80年代一样,成为世界经济发展的焦点。近20年来,中国经济飞速发展,国际竞争力不断提高,外汇储备日益增多,国际上鼓动人民币升值的压力越来越大,如何顶住压力、根据自身国情实行独立自主的汇率政策,泡沫经济的产生与破裂也有我们足资借鉴的地方。 关键词:“广场协议 ” ;日元升值 ;泡沫经济 Abstract:the nineteen:the United States and Japan bilateral trade friction intensified.In 1985,United States and Japan and other coutries signed the famous “square agreemend”,triggered a sharp appreciation of the yen.the yen has brought the short-term interests of appreciation to the Japanese economy,greatly improving the appreciation of the yen’ position in the international monetary system.90 in the early 1990s,the Japanese economy by the steady growth turned to the appreciation of the yen,the bubble expansion and rupture,deflation and the economic downturn phenomenon,untill today,the Japanese economy has not long-term vibration.Can be said that,”the sharp appriciation of the yen Plaza Agreement” is an important reason for Japan’s long-term economic downturn,howecer,” square agreemend”has only accelerrated the process of appreciation of the yen appriciation,rather than the pioneer.before 1985,the yen has appriciated, “square agreemend”is only accelerate this process,driving the yen exchange rate in the short term .But the “Plaza Agreement”makes a sharp appreciation of the yen is the fact that does not dispute,and the appreciation of the yen is one of the most important reasons and rupute of the Japanese bubble economy.At present,China and Japan in the 80’s,has become the focus of the world economic development.In the past 20 years,China’s rapid economic development,international reserves,encouraging the increasing pressure on RMB appreciation,how to withstand the pressure,to stand


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