安装java组件及环境变量配置(Install the Java component and the environment variable configuration).doc

安装java组件及环境变量配置(Install the Java component and the environment variable configuration).doc

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安装java组件及环境变量配置(Install the Java component and the environment variable configuration)

安装java组件及环境变量配置(Install the Java component and the environment variable configuration) Save the file javac Hello.java / / compiled executable file Java Hello Direct download Win7 system Jdk version 1.6 Right click on advanced computer system - - Settings Advanced - attribute of environmental variables The system variables - New - variable name: JAVA_HOME D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_12 (variable value: This is the JDK installation path) The system variables - Edit variable name: Path in the variable value of the front plus:%JAVA_HOME%\bin; (if have Path, no other new, directly behind, but need; and in front of the existing items separated) The system variables - New - variable name: CLASSPATH variable value: %JAVA_HOME%\lib;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\dt.jar;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar; E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_22 Finally, test if the environment variable is set successfully Enter javac under CMD If the following information appears Usage: javac Options source file Among them, the possible options include: -g generates all debugging information -g:none does not generate any debugging information -g:{lines, vars, and source} generate only some debugging information -nowarn does not generate any warnings -verbose outputs messages about the actions that the compiler is performing The -deprecation output uses the source location of the obsolete API -classpath Path specifies the location of finding user class files -cp Path specifies the location of finding user class files -sourcepath Path specifies the location of the lookup input source file -bootclasspath Path to cover the location of the boot class file -extdirs Directory the location of the extended directory that covers the installation -endorseddirs Directory the location of the standard path that covers the signature -d Directory specifies the location where the generated class files are stored -encoding code specifies the character encoding used by the source file -source version provi


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