大学生名著书单(College Students masterpiece list).doc

大学生名著书单(College Students masterpiece list).doc

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大学生名著书单(College Students masterpiece list)

大学生名著书单(College Students masterpiece list) 1. anonymous Gilgamesh 2. Homer, Iliad 3. Homer The Odyssey 4. Confuciuss Analects of Confucius 5. Aeschylus Oresteia 6. Sophocles Oedipus Rex Oedipus Cronus in Antti Gore Ne 7. Euripides Al Curtis Medea Troy Hippolytus women Yvonne Laiqula companion of Dionysus 8. Herodotus history 9. Thucydides history of the Peloponnesian War 10. grandchildren, art of war 11. Aristophanes cloud bird Lucy, Stella 12. Platons Anthology of Platon 13., Aristotles ethics, politics, poetics 14. Meng Zi Meng Zi 15. as for Valmiki Ramayana legend 16. the legend of vyasa as Mahabharata The 17. is the Bhagavad Gita 18. Sima Qian historical records 19. the theory of Lucretius 20. of Virgils Aeneid 21. mark Aureliuss Meditations 22. St Augustins Confessions 23. Kalidasa cloud messenger Shakuntala 24. Mohameds Koran 25. Huineng liuzu Tanjing 26. the book Wang ferdowski 27. pillow Nagon less clear 28. murasakisikibu the tale of Genji 29. Omar Hyam day by day 30. Dante Alighieri the Divine Comedy 31. Luo Guanzhong Romance of the Three Kingdoms 32. Jeffrey Chaucers Canterbury Tales 33. anonymous one thousand and one night 34. Niccolo Machiavellis the prince 35. Francois Rabys biography of the giant 36. Wu Chengens journey to the West 37. Michel Eiquim de Mondas Anthology of prose 38. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Don JiZuoDe 39. William Shakespeare complete works of Shakespeare 40. John Dorns Anthology of Donne 41. anonymous Jin Ping Mei 42. Galileo Galilei 43. Thomas Hobbs Levitan 44. John Descartes, methodology 45. John Milton Paradise Lost Lycidas Christ in the morning sonnets on freedom 46. Molieres Anthology of Molieres plays 47. Blaise Pascals book of thoughts 48. John Bunyan Pilgrims progress 49. John Rock on the government 50., Basho Matsuo, Austria trail. 51. Daniel Defoe Crusoe Robinson Crusoe 52. Jonathan Swift Gullivers Travels 53. Voltaire, the honest man and other works 54. David Humes human understanding research 55. Henry Fielding Tom J



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