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PAGE 新概念整体橱柜设计 摘要:橱柜起源于欧美,从上世纪九十年代初整体橱柜赶着全球化的浪潮走进了中国百姓的家里。至今为止,从市场的调查结果来看,市面上的品牌参差不齐,橱柜释放甲醛量高,存在潜在危险性。并且高中档的橱柜外观大同小异,缺乏创意。同时现有产品的设计与消费者的使用习惯存在一定的差距。人机工程设计不合理。这些问题都是影响消费者购买橱柜的重要原因。因此我希望借此毕业设计的机会,对我们身边现有的橱柜使用进行一些新的思考和设计。把以上问题作为此次橱柜设计的突破点和创新源,进行市场定位,针对目标定位,设计一款中高档价位的橱柜。设计中会重点解决外观、功能、安全和便捷的问题。 我希望通过此次设计,让厨房更能满足人们的各种需求。就以往单纯的饮食功能,拓展为娱乐、休闲、家庭情感沟通以及朋友聚会等等多种功能。让越来越多的人们爱上厨房,并让厨房真正变成一个愉悦身心的享受之地。 关键词:新概念整体橱柜;安全;环保;实用;人机工程 HYPERLINK 购物大全 New Concept Design of whole Cabinet ABSTRACT: Cabinet originated in the U. S. and Europe. The whole Cabinet has gained popularity from every Chinese consumer in the wave of globalization since 1990s. So far, Judging from the market survey, All kinds of carbinets brands are on the market, good or bad. And high formaldehyde emission is potentially dangerous. Besides, top and middle grade cabinets look too much alike and lack of originality. Meanwhile, the design of existing products are out of consumers usage more or less. Whats more, ergonomic design is unreasonable. These factors are all responsible for consumers to buy cabinets or not. Hence, Id like to take the opportunity of graduation design to reconsider and come up with new ideas on the existing products, that is, taking all I mentioned above as breakthrough point and source of innovation to contain accurate proceeding market position and design a type of cabinet of Middle-grade price. So my design will mainly solve the problems of products appearance, function, safety and convenience. I hope through this design kitchen may meet peoples different requirements, not only somewhere to have dinner but also a paradise for families and friendsget-together,emotional communication, leisure and recreation , etc.Let more and more people love kitchen and make it a real place for pleasure and relaxation. KEYWORDS: New Concept of whole Cabinet;safety;environmental-friendly;practicable; ergonomics 目 录 1 前言………………………………………………………………………………………4 2 课题选择和选择的原因-……………………………………………………………….4 3 报告书正文…………………



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