东港玉米水稻品种(Donggang maize and rice varieties).doc

东港玉米水稻品种(Donggang maize and rice varieties).doc

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东港玉米水稻品种(Donggang maize and rice varieties)

东港玉米水稻品种(Donggang maize and rice varieties) A rice varieties, recommended: Hong Yu 2, Dongsheng No. 8 and Liaoxing 1, Liaoning 9052, Yanfeng 47 and 9617; collocation varieties: Liaoyou 5218, more light. Two, corn varieties recommended: Danyu 88, Dongdan 80, Danyu 402, Dongdan 16, Dongdan, 70, new Danke 2181 Dan 13. Three. Characteristics of recommended rice varieties: Recommended varieties: 1, Hong Kong breeding No. 2: conventional rice varieties. Growth period of 165 days, 110-120 cm tall, stout stem lodging resistance, strong tillering, leaf stalk live handsome, mature, good quality, good palatability. 120-140 grains per panicle, 1000 kernel weight of 27 grams, resistance to rice blast, rice Qu disease and white leaf blight, the average resistance to stripe wilt disease is generally 500-600 kg per mu. On April 20th -25 seedling, transplanting -6 at the end of May 5, row spacing of 9 * 4-4.5 * 4 inch or 10 inch, 3-4 seedlings per hole. Attention: prevention and control of stripe disease. 2, Dongsheng No. 8: conventional rice varieties. Growth period of 165 days, 110-115 cm tall, strong tillering, leaf stalk live handsome, mature, good quality, a meter high. About 100 grains per panicle, 1000 grain weight about 27 grams. Resistance to rice blast, rice false smut, bacterial blight and stripe blight are generally 450-550 kg per mu. In April, 20-25 -6 at the end of May at the beginning of the month seedling, planting, row spacing of 9 x 4-4.5 inch, 3-4 seedlings per hole. Attention: lodging resistance. 3, Liao Xing 1: conventional rice varieties. Growth period of 160 days, the plant height of 100-110 cm, semi compact panicle, stem lodging resistance, strong tillering, grain weight per panicle 120-140, 26 grams, grain quality, resistance to rice blast, rice false smut, is resistant to bacterial blight and stripe disease, saline planting has a certain you have the advantage, average yield of 550-600 kg. On 1-5 June 4 at the end of seedling, planting, row spacing of 9 x 4


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