大气污染的危害与影响(The harm and influence of air pollution).doc

大气污染的危害与影响(The harm and influence of air pollution).doc

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大气污染的危害与影响(The harm and influence of air pollution)

大气污染的危害与影响(The harm and influence of air pollution) 1., the concept of air pollution The atmosphere is a mixture of a certain proportion of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and solid impurity particles. In terms of dry air, according to the volume calculation, in the standard state, nitrogen accounted for 78.08%, oxygen accounted for 20.94%, argon accounted for 0.93%, carbon dioxide accounted for 0.03%, while other gases were very small volume. Natural changes often cause changes in the composition of the atmosphere. For example, when the volcano erupted in a large number of dust and carbon dioxide gas is injected into the atmosphere, causing smoke volcano area filled with gas smoked; forest fire caused by lightning and other natural will also increase the carbon dioxide and soot content etc.. Generally speaking, this kind of natural change is partial, short time. With the development of modern industry and transportation, more and more substances are emitted into the atmosphere, and the species become more and more complex, resulting in dramatic changes in the composition of the atmosphere. When the substances outside the normal atmospheric components meet the effects of human health, animal and plant growth, and weather and climate, we say the atmosphere is polluted. 2. major sources of pollution and pollutants in the atmosphere Air pollution sources are the source of atmospheric pollutants, mainly in the following three: (1) industry: industry is an important source of air pollution. There are many kinds of pollutants discharged into the atmosphere, which are complicated by soot, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, organic compounds, halides, carbon compounds and so on. Some of them are soot, and some are gases. (2) living stove and heating boilers in the city: a large number of civilian life stoves and heating boilers need to consume a large amount of coal, coal to release large amounts of dust, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other


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