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If you have a mother, she makes something that is forbidden like * attend a sleepover * have a playdate * be in a school play * complain about not being in a school play * watch TV or play computer games * choose their own extracurricular activities * get any grade less than an A * not be the No.1 student in every subject except gym and drama * play any instrument other than the piano or violin * not play the piano or violin. This is a kind of family rule established by a Chinese-American mother named 蔡美儿。Her nickname is very popular-tiger mother. She is a professor of Yale University and a mother of two daughters. She came out a book called Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother recently, which introduces how she teaches her two daughters strictly with Chinese way. After the book was published, a kind of education style has caused a sensation both in America and China , that is Americans: learning from Tiger Mother Soon, the book led to intense reaction in America. Parents talk about it endlessly. However, surprisingly, many Americans online support it, even are ready to have a try on their own children. Because they are worried about that their children will be nothing like Chinese students. Chinese: learning from western When coming to China, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother also has good sales. It seem that many Chinese support the education style of Tiger Mother. But ,in fact Chinese parents have gradually changed their thinking, learning from the western countries. They hope their children can grow in a more democratic and more relaxing atmosphere. Conclusion Parents should believe that children are able and flexible. They have something in common that children should have fine qualities such as persevere, staidness and they should be creative. If I died tomorrow, I would die feeling I’ve lived my whole life at more than 100 percent,said by tiger mother. The book Her family She and her daughters Video -An interview with Yang Lan Words and phrases attend


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