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CCS中Debug与Release的区别CCS中Debug与Release的区别 本人原创:/工程师笔记 在调试程序时,程序员一般使用Debug选项来编译链接,而在程序最终完成,准备发布时, 就使用Release选项编译链接,生成更精简更高效的可执行文件。 具体到TI的DSP开发环境CCS中来说,Debug和Release实质上是编译链接的具体配置(Build Options)的集合, 它们是两种不同的配置集合,是CCS为用户提供的默认集合,前者用于调试阶段,后者用于发布。 两者最主要的区别在于Project-Build Options..-Compiler选项卡-Generate Debug选项的配置不同, Debug模式中选Full Symbolic Debug,而Release模式中选No Debug,这两种不同的选择下编译生成 的.out文件的大小相差在10倍以上。 而用户当然也可以建立自己的 Build Options 集合,并且把这个集合命名为任何你想叫的名字,它与Debug 和Release拥有完全同样的地位。 欲建立自己的Build Options 集合,选择Project-Configurations...,如下图: The difference between Debug and Release modes in CCS by?/%B9%A4%B3%CC%CA%A6%B1%CA%BC%C7 Programmers usually use Debug for debugging while Release for distributing when finished, the latter is more simplified and efficient. In the CCS programming environment, Debug and Release are sets of Build Options. They are two different sets of Options, both are default sets for users, the former for debugging while the latter for distributing. The main difference between them lies in :Project-Build Options..-Compiler -Generate Debug, In Debug mode Full Symbolic Debug option is selected, whereas No Debug option is selected in Release mode. The .out file is about 10 times bigger in Debug mode. Of course you can build your own sets of Build Options, and name them whatever you want, who have equal status to Debug and Release. If you want to build your own sets of Build Options , select Project-Configurations.. as shown below: 弹出如下窗口: the window below will pop: 选择ADD,并建立自己的配置集合,命名为myConfig,完成后,在下拉菜单中就出现了三个选项: Debug,Release,myConfig,如下图所示: choose ADD to build your build option, name it myConfig, for example. When finished, there will be 3 options in the drop-down menu--Debug,Release and myConfig, as shown below:


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