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Unit 9 Section B学案 y 构成形容词。写出三个名词加 y 构成的形容词:____________ ____________ ___________ 2. 错误地___________________ a. 他昨天错把我的伞拿走了。He ________ my umbrella _________ __________ yesterday. b. 那个小女孩错把那位女士当她妈妈了。 The little girl ____________ the woman __________ her mother ___________ __________. 3. 偶然地,意外地__________________ a. 我意外地在拥挤的公车上遇见她。I _______ her ________ _________ in a crowded bus. b. --- I’m sorry I took your pen __________. --- That’s all right. A. by mistake B. by the way C. by accident D. making a mistake c. It was invented by accident. (划线提问)____________ __________ it ___________ ? 4. _____________ 最后,终于. = finally/ at last a. Everything will be all right _______ _______ ________(最终). b. He went away angrily ______. A. by the end B. at the end C. in the end D. by the end of 5. 根据,按照_____________________ a. 我的表现在是四点钟。_____________ ____________ my watch, it is four o’clock now. b. 我们将按工作量获得报酬。We’ll _________ (pay) _________ __________ the amount of work we do. 6. fall --_________-- __________.  fall off= fall down from从…摔下来 fall into 摔进,掉入… He ____________ _____________ the bike and __________ __________ the river. 7. 直到…才_________________ (1) 茶在1610 年才被传到西方国家。 Tea __________ ____________ to the Western world _____________ 1610. (2) 去看医生之前你什么也不许吃。You ________ eat anything ________ you ________ to see a doctor. (3) 孙悟空在地上画了个圈说:“我回来之前你们不许出来!” Monkey King drew a circle on the ground and said, “__________ ___________ out of the circle __________ I __________ ___________.” (4) The boy ____________ until he ____________ the soccer ball back.(多选) A. won’t leave, get B. didn’t leave, got C. won’t leave, gets D. stayed, got 8. vi. 剩余,残存,活着(未死)______________________ a. 附近一棵灌木的叶子掉进水里,并留在那里一段时间。 Some leaves from a nearby bush _______ _______ the water and ______ there for some time. b. 在她的三个儿子中,只有一个现在还活着,其余的都战死了。 Of her three sons only one now ____________, the rest ______________ (kill) in the battle. remain + adj./n. 保持,保留 c. 进入四月,天气仍然还很冷。 The w


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