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两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 /test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:商务电话 Ⅰ.核心学习:The Business Phone Call 商务电话 Billy: Hey babe, your English is improving very quickly. 比利:嘿,宝贝,你的英语提高的很快呀。 Michael: Your English is not so?shabby?either. 迈克尔:你的英语也不坏呀。 Billy: Thanks for the compliment. 比利:谢谢夸奖。 Michael: Whats a compliment? 迈克尔:什么叫compliment? Billy: Thats praise. You complimented me so I returned the favor. 比利:就是称赞,赞扬。你夸我所以我回赞你。 Michael: Cool. Can you do me another favor and teach me about business phone calls? 迈克尔:好,那你能帮我一个忙,教我有关公司电话(的使用)吗? Billy: Sure. This is an important lesson, so pay close attention. If you can, get a friend to help you study todays helpful dialogues. 迈克尔:好,那你能帮我一个忙,教我有关公司电话(的使用)吗? Billy: Sure. This is an important lesson, so pay close attention. If you can, get a friend to help you study todays helpful dialogues. 比利:当然,这是非常需要注意的重要一课,如果可以,找一个朋友和你一起学习今天有用的对话。 Michael: Lets begin. 迈克尔:我们开始吧。 Ⅱ.单词简析 1) ASAP :?As Soon As Possible 一......就,尽快 ex:Have your salesman call me ASAP. 让你的销售尽快给我打电话。 2) Direct :?to place, lead to, point to 指导,指引 ex:The kind policeman directed me to the hospital. 那个和蔼的警察领我去了医院。 3) Hold :?wait 等候,等待,别挂电话线 ex:Wait one moment while I put you on hold. Please hold. 在我把你的电话转过去的时候请别挂机。耐心等一会儿。 4) Necessary :?must do, needed 必要的,必须去做的 ex:No thanks, that wont be necessary at this time. 不必言谢,这个时候不必客气。 5) Put me through :?connect 连接上 ex:Put me through to Johns extension, please. 请帮我接到约翰逊的分机上。 Ⅲ.课文篇 It is of the?utmost?importance to answer the phone in a professional manner. Every time you answer the phone at work, you are representing the entire company. So make a good impression. Below are some tips on telephone English. 以一种职业化的态度和方式接听商务电话在职场上是非常重要的。 每次你在工作时间接听电话时,你的言行都代表你所在的整个公司。 因此要切记给客户留下好的印象。以下是一些有关接听英语商务电话 的建议。 Opening line: Each company will have its own, unique opening line. Find out what it is and practice it until you remember it perfectly. Examples: 1) Hello, Mr. Bigs office, how may I help you? (This is only Mr. Bigs secretary) 2) Hello, I


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