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智课网TOEFL备考资料汉语教学在美国方兴未艾一托福阅读机经背景 A visit to a Chicago high school was on the agenda as Chinese President Hu Jintao wrapped up his visit to the United States. Walter Payton College Preparatory High School is one of dozens in the U.S. that offers Chinese language and cultural instruction through a program called Confucius Classrooms, which is partially funded by the Beijing government. 中国国家主席胡锦涛1月21号结束美国之行前访问了芝加哥的沃尔特·佩顿高中。佩顿高中是美国几十所通过一个叫作“孔子课堂”的项目教授汉语和中华文化的高中之一。孔子课堂得到北京政府的部分资助。记者走访了参加这个项目的第一所美国学校--俄勒冈州梅德福市的圣玛利学校。 The first U.S. school to take part in the program was St. Marys School in Medford, Oregon, where an 11th-grade class is running through a list of words for traditional Chinese instruments. The 16 and 17-year-olds are in their fourth year of learning Mandarin Chinese. 在俄勒冈州梅德福市圣玛利学校,11年纪的一个班正在学习传统中国乐器的名称。这是这些16、17岁的学生学习汉语的第四年。尽管他们的词汇量仍旧有限,但用汉语自我介绍已经非常自然了。 Popular choice Carly Irvine is not sure when shell use her Chinese language skills outside the classroom. But she figures that day will come. Since China and America are working so closely and our relationship is growing more and more, she says. I think it will be very important in the future to know Chinese. 卡尔利·欧文还不能确定她什么时候会在课堂以外的地方使用汉语。不过她想那一天会来到的。她说:“中国和美国现在这么密切地合作,我们的关系日益发展,我觉得懂汉语,将来会非常重要。” Confucius classroom is expanding rapidly around the world. St. Marys added Mandarin to its foreign language curriculum in 2005, and three years ago, became the first school in the country to sign up for the Confucius Classroom program. 圣玛利学校是一所私立高中。学校2005年在外语课里增加了汉语,并且在三年前成为美国第一所报名参加孔子课堂项目的高中。 Heres how it works: The Chinese ministry of education sends a teacher to a school in the United States, pays about half of that teachers salary and living expenses, and supplies educational materials such as books and computer programs. 孔子课堂由中国教育部派遣一名教师前往美国一所学校,支付这名教师一半的工资和生活费,并提供课本和电脑软件等教材。 St. Marys principal, Frank Phillips, says some parents of students at the private college-prep school w



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