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印模托盘 Impression Trays 印模托盘 印模托盘 Impression Trays Impression Trays 印模牙托是用来提取患者牙列印模的,我们都知道提取一个好的印模的重要性。 一个好的结果取决于牙医的技术、印模材料当然还有所用印模牙托的质量,所以选择合适的牙托是至关重要的。 一个不好的印模会导致需要重新提取一次,这浪费了病人和牙医双方的时间、减少病人对牙医的信任、需要更多花销 和给牙科技工的不满。 给每个病人选择合适他们的印模牙托是关键的要求,牙医们应当更倾向于选择那些能提供广泛材料和大小选择的制造 商。 注意所选牙托的材料,在寻找好的印模牙托的过程中能起到根本的作用根据在1998年英国牙科修复学会提出的建议, 使用中印模牙托要有足够的的硬度,还要有足够的宽度以便容纳无齿颌患者的全部牙粘膜,或者是也可用于部分齿列 患者的组合,需要能留住足够的印模材料,并且有结实的手柄以便能承受提取过程中的作用力和消毒灭菌时的磨损。 Impression trays are used to take an impression of the patient’s archs, and everyone agrees it is very important to take a good impression right away. A good result depends on the dentist’s skill, on the impression material, and of course on the quality of the impression tray used - hence the importance of choosing the right tray. A bad impression has consequences that go beyond the simple need to take a new one: a waste of time for both patient and dentist, patient loss of confidence in the dentist, additional cost, dental laboratory dissatisfaction. Choosing the right impression tray for each patient is a key requirement, and dentists should favour those manufacturers who offer a broad choice of materials and sizes. It is worth focusing on materials, as these play a fundamental role in obtaining good impressions. Based on the recommendations issued by the “British Society for Restorative Dentistry” in 1998, impression trays need to be rigid enough while in use, large enough to fit all teeth mucous membranes for edentulous patients, or a combination of both for partially edentulous patients), capable to retain impression material, and have a handle strong enough to support extraction procedures, as well as disinfection and sterilization. 印模托盘 Impression Trays “NEW SUPER” 不锈钢印模托盘,配固位环套。 ® “NEW SUPER” stainless steel impression trays with retention rim


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