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第2版·新GRE verbval 160+ 词汇发布会 阅读系列课程 5 ——维C上校(特种部队)—新浪微博;Tonight--just sharing… 今晚所说的一切只是--分享….;新GRE verbal 160+ 必备词汇发布会 ;新GRE verbal 160+ 必备词汇发布会;新GRE verbal 160+ 必备词汇发布会;新GREverbal 160+ 高分学生经验;新GREverbal 160+ 高分学生经验;新GREverbal 160+ 高分学生经验;新GREverbal 160+ 高分学生经验;新GREverbal 160+ 高分学生经验;新GREverbal 160+ 高分学生经验;新GREverbal 160+ 高分学生经验;新GREverbal 160+ 高分学生经验;复习一下:文章特点;新老对比; 新老对比文章的重点:;新旧观点对比文章3^^;Traditional research has confronted only Mexican and United States interpretations of Mexican-American culture. Now we must also examine the culture as we Mexican Americans have experienced it, passing from a sovereign people to compatriots with newly arriving settlers to, finally, a conquered people—a charter minority on our own land. ;Traditional research has confronted only Mexican and United States interpretations of Mexican-American culture. Now we must also examine the culture as we Mexican Americans have experienced it, passing from a sovereign people to compatriots with newly arriving settlers to, finally, a conquered people—a charter minority on our own land. ;When the Spanish first came to Mexico, they intermarried with and absorbed the culture of the indigenous Indians. This policy of colonization through acculturation was continued when Mexico acquired Texas in the early 1800’s and brought the indigenous Indians into Mexican life and government. In the 1820’s, United States citizens migrated to Texas, attracted by land suitable for cotton. As their numbers became more substantial, their policy of acquiring land by subduing native populations began to dominate. ;When the Spanish first came to Mexico, they intermarried with and absorbed the culture of the indigenous Indians. This policy of colonization through acculturation was continued when Mexico acquired Texas in the early 1800’s and brought the indigenous Indians into Mexican life and government. In the 1820’s, United States citizens migrated to Texas, attracted by land suitable for cotton. As their numbers beca


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