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DOI 10.16076/ki.cjhd.2015.02.004
, ,
, 200240, Email: yangyaqiang2013@
U661.1 A
Numerical study on liquid sloshing in horizontal
baffled tank by MPS method
YANG Ya-qiang, TANG Zhen-yuan, WAN De-cheng
(State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea Exploration,
Shanghai 200240, China)
Abstract: In this paper, the self-developed meshfree particle method solver MLParticle-SJTU, which is based on MPS
(Moving Particle Semi-implicit) method, is used to investigate the effects of the baffles on the liquid sloshing under horizontal
excitation. Firstly, the numerical model is validated against the experimental data for 2D liquid sloshing in unbaffled tank. In
addition, liquid sloshing with different baffle heights and widths is simulated. The impact pressure characteristics in these cases
are parametrically investigated. Results show that the dimension and location of horizontal baffles significantly influence the
hydrodynamic damping. Liquid sloshing displacement can be suppressed effectively as the baffle height and width increases.
Key words: liquid sloshing; MLParticle-SJTU solver; symmetrical horizontal baffle; impact pressure
* : 2014-07-25(2014-12-22 )
: 51411130131, (973
, 2013CB036103)(T2014099)(2013022)
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