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颚式破碎机操作规程JAW CRUSHER INSTRUCTION1、机体基础必须牢靠、平整,以防机体受力不均匀引起破裂。The device should be placed on a solid ground to avoid damage.2、试验前必须检查各紧固螺丝是否旋紧,用手旋转皮带轮是否灵活。发现不正常应以排除方可用车。Check if all bolts are tightened and adjust the conveyor belt.3、用车前必须空载试车,空试时旋动小手轮以检查调节机构是否灵活。空载半小时后无异常现象方可使用。Conduct an unloaded test run for half an hour to check if all parts are functioning properly. 4、破碎物料的硬度最好不要超过中等硬度,以免加快零件的损坏减少寿命。It is recommended that what to be crushed has medium toughness to avoid damaging the device.混凝土切片机操作规程CONCRETE SLICER INSTRUCTION1、将钻取的芯样,固定在夹具中。Fasten the sample into the mould.2、本机备有一组加紧套环,供小尺寸试样锯切时使用。当夹具不装夹紧套环时,只能夹紧最大规格试件。只有在夹具上套装上相应尺寸的夹紧套环时才能夹紧较小试件。In order to fasten smaller samples, use the tightening ring; otherwise the mould could only hold the sample of the maximum specification.3、塑料水管接通水源,将二根冷却水管对准锯片二侧切点。Connect to the water supply and aim the two cooling tube at the cutting point.4、接通电源,手持手柄开关并接通开关。Connect to the power source and press the “Start” button.5、待锯片正常运转后慢慢地将锯片压向试件进行切割。Wait until the saw is functioning well to move the cutter slowly towards the sample.6、为了保证试件的锯切尺寸尽量一次切割完成。In order to ensure cutting quality, finish the cutting in one go.注意事项:SAFETY RULES:1、锯片旋转主方向应符合防护罩上所示箭头方向。如用户发现反向马上切断电源,进行换向处理。The spinning direction of the saw should be in consistency with as marked on the device. If spinning the other way, disconnect from the power source immediately and make proper alteration.2、锯切时一定要事先通水,不可干切,否则将损坏锯片。Do NOT cut without water.3、水槽的排水口要通畅,不可被杂物堵塞。Make sure the drainage is unclogged.4、切片机在使用现场应有可靠的接地装置,以防意外事故发生。Make sure the earthing system is installed.5、切片时使用后应拔掉电源插头,并把夹具水槽等部位擦干净,防止生锈。Clean the device after use to prevent incrustation.混凝土钻孔取样机操作规程CONCRETE CORING SAMPLER INSTRUCTION1、钻机的固定:在低于3.5m高处作业,可以采用支架顶杆部分,固定钻机。在超过3.5m高处作业采用膨胀螺栓固定钻机。Fix the device: below 3.5m, use the stand; above 3.5m, use set-screws.2、钻机固定后,先通好冷却水。Connect the water supply first.3、准备工作就序后便可开动钻机,手握手柄进给,开始是进给量要小,用力要轻,待砼表面切削出圆槽后方可开始正常切削When starting to drill, use small forc