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8.Even though Wilsom is just a volleyball, he becomes fond of him. even though 尽管 Even though he is poor, she likes him = He is poor, yet she likes him. Even if he is poor, she likes him. =He may be poor, yet she likes him. 9. treat ……as/like Though she is over 40, they treat her as a child. 10. Share 1)share (in) sth. The friends share (in) your sorrows as well as (in) your joys. I’ll share (in) the cost with you. 2) Share sth.(out) among/between sb. 分配, 均分 At his death his money was shared out between his children. 把糖分给孩子们。 Share the sweets among the children. 3)share sth.with sb. 与别人共有或合用 Please share your newspaper with me. I’d like to share my secret with you. 11.care about 关心,关切 12. He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends. A: The fish has gone bad. B: You should have kept it in the fridge. You shouldn’t have gone to bed so late last night. Should have done 对本该做而未做之事,表示遗憾,责难或后悔之意。 http://9992019 http://9992019 http://9992019 「 yrk085utb 」 只是习惯不是喜欢,也并非意味着融入。 她已经习惯此间种种,而不是在一眼便可以看到街道尽头的故乡逡巡,在陈旧的低矮楼房间出入,生活所有的重心只在于菜米油盐、一日三餐。平淡无奇,渡此余生。 出走太久的人,已经失去回到过去的途径。 安安,一个人在外面要照顾好自己,注意天气变化穿衣服,你是女孩子不要给自己太大的压力。如果遇到心怡的人,可以早点安定下来,我和你爸爸才会放心。母亲并不知道她辞职的事,她很少谈论工作,电话里也只是问候身体与天气。经常无话可说。一旦谈论到父亲,母亲的眼眶总是会湿润。 母亲送她坐上旧式的巴车,车身的油漆斑斑落落。把行李放好,迟迟不下车,只是看着她。直到司机准备发车,她才下车。她从车窗里看到母亲一直凝望着她,俯身趴在车窗上,你要好好照顾自己,我走了。 母亲点头,让她不要担心。母亲鬓角的银丝和眼角的纹路让她惊悸,她总觉得母亲依旧是年轻时的样子,可是她已经开始老了。皱纹从心脏顺着血液流遍全身,然后扎破皮肤肆意生长。 Unit1 Good friends By Zhang Min Discussion: What do you think a friend should be like? In my opinion, a friend should be honest ( never tell lies). brave: can face difficulties and dangers with courage and confidence. loyal: not goes against one’s friend. wise:of much experience, can make right decisions and give suggestions. Handsome: (esp. of man)good-looking Smart: well dressed,fashionable, quick in thinking etc. humorous generous honest brave loyal wise handsome smart Likes I like/love/enjoy… I’m fond of …… My favourite hobbies are…… My interests are… I’m into……


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