中英文拍门使用说明书 - 湖南力威.doc

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中英文拍门使用说明书 - 湖南力威

节能型侧开式拍门    Energy-saving side-valve operation manual                            湖南力威泵阀设备有限公司   hnlwpv@163.com    尊敬的客户:  由衷的感谢您使用湖南力威泵阀设备有限公司生产制造的节能型侧开式拍门,在安装使用前请详细阅读本说明,正确地掌握该产品的使用方法,充分利用它的优异性能,并将说明书保存好,以备将来查阅.   Dear Customer:  Sincerely thank you for the use of Hunan LiWei Pump Valve Equipment Co., Ltd. manufacturing energy-efficient version of the free open-door side of the installation before use Please read this note, the correct grasp of the product to use full advantage of its excellent performance and keep a good manual to prepare for future consultations.  概述 Overview  节能型侧开式拍门(又名:节能型灌排防洪阀)是湖南力威泵阀设备有限公司和武汉大学经过长达四年多时间共同反复研制的成果。目前国内外排灌泵站阀门,普遍使用的是旋挂式拍门和浮箱式拍门,这种拍门存在开启角度小,水流阻力大,能源损耗多等缺陷,我们根据力学原理,将阀体前端右边的铰轴竖向布置,并向左倾斜一定角度,利用拍门的自重水平分力作为闭门动力,达到减小拍门开启阻力和自动关闭的目的。采用同轴技术,以达到用户最佳实际运行工况,运行更安全、更可靠、更节能。  Energy-saving side-valve (also known as: energy-saving irrigation and drainage flood control valve) is the Hunan Liwei Pump Valve Equipment Co., Ltd. and Wuhan University for more than four years after the development of common recurrent results. Irrigation and drainage pumping stations at home and abroad valve, commonly used in the rotating-door hanging and floating box-valve, this film there is the door opening angle is small, water resistance to large energy loss and multiple other defects, we are under the mechanics will be the right front body hinge axis vertical arrangement, and tilted a certain angle to the left, shoot the door to use the horizontal component of weight as a driving force behind closed doors, to reduce the film resistance and self-closing doors opened purposes. Using coaxial technology to achieve the best user actual operating conditions, run more secure, more reliable, more energy efficient.   Energy-saving side-valve pump station is to ensure safe operation of critical equipment in the pumping station, their role is to stop and prevent the shutdown of water back, mainly used for: flood control and drainage, agricultural irrigat


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