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Make a conclusion about “time” 1. in time: against time ahead of time all the time as time goes on at no time at one time at a time at the same time 及时,总有一天, 终于 尽快地,争分夺秒地 提前,提早 一直,始终 随着时间的推移 决不,在任何时候都不 曾经,一度 一次 同时 from time to time gain time have a good time in no time on time take one’s time 有时,偶尔 (钟,表等)走得快 玩得愉快 马上,立刻 按时,准时 从容进行,不慌不忙 11. explode v. explosion n. The bomb exploded. 炸弹爆炸了。 explode a bomb 引爆炸弹 blow up a building 引爆一幢楼房 12. spread – spread – spread The rumor (谣言) spread all over the country. 传播;流传 The fire spread and was out of control. 蔓延 spread a table with cloth spread the bread with button 13. 以这种方式 in this way/ by this means/with this method 14. depend on/upon sth. 依靠;信赖;由…决定 depend on sb. to do sth. 指望某人做… 1) We should depend on our efforts to achieve success. 依靠 2)You should not depend on(依靠;信任) him to help you because he’s not reliable(不可信的). 3) It all depends. 依情况而定. 15. cheer up vi./vt. cheerful adj. 干杯! Cheers! 16. now that 既然 = since 17. break out (战争,争吵等)爆发 18. force n. 1)【C】 (物理,身体上的) 力 the force of the wind 风力 2)【U】武力,暴力 by force 用暴力; 通过暴力 solve the problem by force 用暴力解决问题 3) (pl.) 军队;武装部队 the armed forces 武装部队 the air force 空军 come into force 生效 force v. 强迫;迫使 force sb. to do sth. 5.break out:(战争、火灾等)突发;爆发(不能用于被动语态) break away from break in break into break off break down break up break through break into pieces 脱离,放弃(习惯等)打破(陈套等) 闯入,打断,插嘴 破门而入,闯入 折断,打断 打破,毁掉,垮,分解,不成功 拆散,打碎,结束 突围,突破, 冲垮 成为碎片 Jack hoped to _________________ this club as soon as possible. A terrible fire __________________ in the southeast forest. I’m late because my car ______________ half way. The meeting didn’t ______________ until soon. broke away from broke out broke down brok


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