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浅谈心形线 History of cardioids The cardioid, a name first used by de Castillon in a paper in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Societyin 1741, is a curve that is the locus of a point on the circumference of circle rolling round the circumference of a circle of equal radius. Of course the name means heart-shaped. Its length had been found by La Hire in 1708, and he therefore has some claim to be the discoverer of the curve. In the notation given above the length is 16a. It is a special case of the Limacon of Pascal (Etienne Pascal) and so, in a sense, its study goes back long before Castillon or La Hire. There are exactly three parallel tangents to the cardioid with any given gradient. Also the tangents at the ends of any chord through the cusp point are at right angles. The length of any chord through the cusp point is 4a and the area of the cardioid is 6πa2. 1.摘要:In geometry, a cardioid is the curve traced by a point on the edge of a circular wheel that is rolling around a fixed wheel of the same size. The resulting curve is roughly heart-shaped, with a cusp at the place where the point touches the fixed wheel. The cardioid is a roulette, and can be viewed as either an epicycloid with one cusp or as a member of the family of lima?ons. It is also a type of sinusoidal spiral, and is the inverse curve of a parabola with the focus as the center of inversion. 3.引言: (1)来历:心形线的外形就像一颗红心,让人不免产生浪漫的联系。事实上,心形线的背后确实有一段浪漫感人的故事,而且是关于著名数学家,笛卡尔的。笛卡尔于1596年出生在法国,欧洲大陆爆发黑死病时他流浪到瑞典,认识了瑞典一个小公国18岁的公主克里斯汀,后成为她的数学老师,日日相处使他们彼此产生爱慕之心,公主的父亲国王知道了后勃然大怒,下令将笛卡尔处死,后因女儿求情将其流放回法国,克里斯汀公主也被父亲软禁起来。笛卡尔回法国后不久便染上重病,他日日给公主写信,因被国王拦截,克里斯汀一直没收到笛卡尔的信。笛卡尔在给克里斯汀寄出第十三封信后就气绝身亡了,这第十三封信内容只有短短的一个公式:r=a(1-sinθ)。国王看不懂,觉得他们俩之间并不是总是说情话的,大发慈悲就把这封信交给一直闷闷不乐的克里斯汀,公主看到后,立即明了恋人的意图,她马上着手把方程的图形画出来,看到图形,她开心极了,她知道恋人仍然爱着她,原来方程的图形是一颗心的形状。这也就是著名的“心形线”。 国王死后,克里斯汀登基,立即派人在欧洲四处寻找心上人,无奈斯人已故,先她走一步了,徒留她孤零零在人间... 据说这封享誉世界的另类情书还保存在欧洲笛卡尔的纪念馆里。 心形线,是一个圆上的固定一点在它绕着与其相切且半径相同的另外一个圆周滚动时所形成的轨迹(3)图像示意: (4)图像: 4. 心形线性质 1.对于任意斜率,心形线都拥有三条互相平行的


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