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高年级组(4-5年级)故事素材 本文档由【中文word文档库】提供,转载分发敬请保留本信息; 中文word文档库免费提供海量范文、教育、学习、政策、报告和经济类word文档。 The Frog Prince 青蛙王子 (见思飞网开心故事园栏目) In the old times, there lived a king. His daughters were all pretty. But the youngest was the most beautiful. 古时候有个国王,他的女儿们都很漂亮,但最小的女儿最美丽。 The youngest daughter liked to play with her golden ball in the wood. 小女儿喜欢在树林里玩她的金球。 There was a well in the wood. 树林里有一口井。 One day the ball fell into the well. But the well was too deep and the youngest daughter could not see her ball. 她的球掉进了井里。但是井太深了,小女儿没办法看到她的球。 She was very sad and began to cry. 她非常伤心,就哭了起来。 Suddenly she saw a frog on the well. It asked, “Why are you crying here, King’s daughter?” 突然,她看到一只青蛙在井上。它问:“国王的女儿,你为什么在这里哭泣呢?” The daughter told it, “My golden ball has fallen into the well.” 小女儿告诉它说:“我的金球掉进井里了。” “Do not cry!” said the frog, “I can help you, but you will promise me something if I find your ball.” “别哭了!”青蛙说道,“我能帮你,但是如果我找到你的球你要答应我一件事情。” “What do you want then?” “那么你想要什么?” “You must have me as your friend, let me sit at your table, eat with you, and sleep in your little bed.” “你必须让我做你的朋友,让我和你坐在一张桌子上,和你一起吃饭,并且让我睡在你的小床上。” “Oh, yes, I promise you all.” “好啊,我都答应你。” So the frog jumped into the well at once and found the ball. The daughter was very happy. 于是,青蛙立刻跳进了井里并且找到了球。小女儿高兴极了。 But then she forgot all of her promise, and ran back fast to her palace. 但是她忘记了所有的承诺,飞快地跑回了宫殿。 The next day, when the youngest daughter was having dinner, the frog came in. 第二天,当小女儿正在吃饭的时候青蛙进来了。 She was very unhappy and didn’t want the frog to have dinner with her. 她非常不高兴,不想和青蛙一起吃饭。 But the King said to her daughter, “You must keep your promise!” 但是国王对女儿说:“你必须遵守你的承诺!” So the frog ate food with the youngest daughter. Then it said, “Now I’m full. Let me sleep on your bed.” 所以青蛙就和小女儿一起吃了东西。然后它说:“我吃饱了。让我睡你的床吧。” At first the King’s daughter didn’t want that. But the King was angry with her, “You mustn’t break your promise!” 起初国王的女儿不想那样。但是国王对她很生气:“你不能食言。” So she took the frog to her room. In her room, she was very ang


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