unit 3 What would you like?.ppt

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unit 3 What would you like?

课堂检测:连词成句 1. would, what, like, you, eat, to(?) What would you like to eat? 2. What, like, drink, you, would, to(?) What would you like to drink? 3. some, like, I’d, tea(.) I’d like some tea. 4.Like, sandwiches, I’d, four(.) I’d like four sandwiches. Learning aims 1.知识目标 (1)我能听说、认读下列单词: salad, sandwich, hamburger, tea, ice cream. (2)我能表演所学对话,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。 2.能力目标 我能运用所学句型What would you like to eat/to drink? 正确询问他们需要的饮料或食物,在对话交流中养成用英语交流的习惯,培养良好的语音、语调和语感。 3.情感目标 养成科学饮食的良好习惯。 LISTEN TO A SONG Let’s go to KFC 合作学习 1.组长带读每组同学读新授单词:tea,hamburger,sandwich,salad,ice cream。请两组同学展示。 2.quick response,老师抽单词卡片,请两组同学快速反应读出来,比赛谁的反应快。 3.请两组同学上来玩拼单词游戏,将字母卡片组成单词后贴在相应食物图片下。 Listen to the dialogue and try to answer the questions what does sarah’s mother ask?And what does sarah ask? What does sarah’s father want to eat and to drink? 句型 -What would you like to eat?你想吃点什么? -I’d like ... 我想要……。 -What would you like to drink?你想喝点什么? -I’d like … 我想要……。 I’d = I would Role-play _____’s order Food: Drink: 每组讨论后,自 编对话展示。 一位同学演服务员, 其他三位演顾客。 今天我们的收获 1.知识目标 (1)我能听说、认读下列单词: salad, sandwich, hamburger, tea, ice cream. (2)我能表演所学对话,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。 2.能力目标 我能运用所学句型What would you like to eat/to drink? 正确询问他们需要的饮料或食物,在对话交流中养成用英语交流的习惯,培养良好的语音、语调和语感。 3.情感目标 养成科学饮食的良好习惯。 Homework Listen to the tape, and try to imitate, pay attention to the pronunciation. Make a survey about your parents this evening, using the sentences: “ What would you like to eat/to drink?”, “I’d like …” Make a reasonable diet.


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