外研版必修4模块4 cultural corner.ppt

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外研版必修4模块4 cultural corner

Culture corner Match the main idea of each paragraph and answer questions. Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 Sentences * Look at the pictures and guess who he is. Read the passage about Stephen Hawking and write the number of the paragraph. This paragraph explains why Hawking is famous. _____ 2. This paragraph talks about Hawking’s personal life. _____ 3. This paragraph talks about Hawking’s scientific career. _____ 3 2 1 Read the passage and give each paragraph a title. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Hawking’s scientific career. Why Hawking is famous. Hawking’s personal life. Read the passage and answer questions. 1. Why is Hawking so famous? 2. What kind of disease did Hawking suffer from? 3. What’s the name of Hawking’s book? Partly because of his scientific discoveries and partly because of his physical disability. He suffered from motor neurone disease. A Brief History of Time. A Brief History of Time Appreciate the beautiful sentences and phrases. It was discovered that he was a brilliant scientist. 2. Moving in a wheelchair and speaking through a special computer, he has become the voice of science. 3. Stephen Hawking has spent his career at Cambridge University, where he became Professor of Physics in 1977. in the area/field of…在领域 in space在太空 because of=as a result of 因为 one’s physical disability身体残疾 graduate from…毕业于, in/during the 1960s/1960’s, 在20世纪60年代 Rockets 4 How are rockets used now? 1 How were rockets invented? 2 What were rockets mainly used for in the past? 3 Rockets were also used in other ways. By accident--- when people threw bamboo tubes with gunpowder inside into the fire to make explosions and saw that some of them flew into the air. They are used to send astronauts into space and in firework displays. They were used for military purposes in the past 1.Brief introduction: Rockets were probably invented accidentally by _________ about 2000 years ago. It is possible that the Mongols introduced them to ______. Nowada


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