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李翔 正文.doc

重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 节奏与性格—演员如何运用节奏来塑造人物性格 学 生:李翔 学 号指导教师:付强 专 业:表演 重庆大学美视电影学院 二O一O年六月 Graduation Design(Thesis) of Chongqing University Rhythm and character-an actor how to shape the characters in rhythm Undergraduate: Li xiang Supervisor: Fu qiang Major: Performance Meishi Film Academy Of Chongqing University June 2010 摘 要 该文从生活入手,宇宙万物都是存在一定的节奏的,节奏在生活中无处不在,出现在各个方面,比如天体的运行有节奏规律,人类创作的各种音乐都是节奏的。当然演员的表演也存在着节奏。继而谈到节奏对于演员表演有何作用、节奏对于演员塑造人物性格有哪些关系和帮助呢、演员应该如何在表演中把握好节奏,从而塑造出个性鲜明的人物性格。在演员应该如何把握表演中的节奏中提到了演员可以运用控制面部表情节奏、控制肢体动作节奏、控制语言语速节奏来体现人物性格。通过自身体会和对其他演员观察举例说明以上这些技能的实际意义和用途掌握和运用好这些技能对于演员塑造人物性格的重要性,最后总结出性格与节奏、情感与性格之间的关系也非常密切,任何性格都要在情感表达中得到体现。性格是指在对人、对事的态度和行为方式上所表现出来的心理特点,如英勇、刚强、懦弱、粗暴等等。一个人的性格能决定他自身的节奏(说话、走路和举止姿态),而每个人都有他自身特有的节奏规律、特有的情感规律、特有的生活规律,性格也就由此而诞生。 关键词:节奏,性格 ABSTRACT In this paper, starting from the life, the universe is everything there is a certain rhythm, and rhythm in life everywhere, in every aspect, such as running rhythm of celestial bodies, all kinds of music are all human creative rhythm.Of course there are the actors performing the rhythm.Then talked about what pace for the actor performing the role of rhythm for the cast of Characters in which relationships and to help it, the actors how to grasp the rhythm in performance to create the distinctive character of Character.How should the actor grasp the performances of the actors mentioned in the rhythm control of facial expressions can use the rhythm, control of body movements, rhythm, tempo control language to reflect the Characters in speech rate.Through its own experience and observation of examples of other actors than the actual meaning of these skills and use these skills to master and apply for the cast of Characters in the importance and, finally, character and rhythm, emotion and personality is also very close relationship between theany character should be reflected in the emotional expression.Character refers to the people, our attitudes and behavior shown on the psych


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