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# # Bu lletin of M ineralogy , Pet rology and Geoch emis t ry V ol. 25 No . 4, Oct . 2006 1 2 2 刘 瑞 , 鲁安怀 , 秦 善 1. , 13002 1; 2. , 100 87 1 对硅酸盐中非沸石类矿物进行的晶体结构特征分析发现, 些链层状硅酸盐矿物( 如坡缕石和海泡石) 钛硅酸盐中 的硅钛铌钠石硅钛铌钠矿钙霞石方钠石等, 以及锰锆钒钇硅酸盐矿物中的水硅钡锰石堇青石水钠锆石水硅钒钙石 等矿物中都存在有孔道结构, 其孔道直径为0. 25 ~ 1. 0 nm 本文综述了这些孔道结构矿物吸附和交换有害重金属离子催化 降解有机污染物的环境功能和属性 矿物; 硅酸盐; 孔道结构; 环境属性 P 573 A 1007- 2802 ( 200 6) 04- 0 37 5- 0 6 Non-Zeolite Channel Structure Minerals in Silicates and Their Environmental Significances 1 2 2 LIU Ru i , LU A n- hu ai , Q IN Shan 1. Colleg e of Exp lorat ion and S ur v ey ing , Chang ch un I nst it ute of Technology , Chang ch un 13002 1, Ch ina; 2. S chool of E arth and Sp ace Sc iences , P ek ing Univ er sity , B e i ing 100871, China Abstract: T he cry stal texture analy ses of non- zeolit e s ilicat e m inerals indicat e th at channel st ructu res are ex ist ed in some layer- chain silicat e m inerals such as palygor skit e and sepiolite, som e t it anium silicates s uch as zorite and n e- n adkevichite, som e f eldspat hoid m inerals s uch as can crinite and sodalit e, som e M n-, Zr-, V- , Y- bearing s ilicate m inerals su ch as verplanckite, cord ierite, lemoynite, cavansit e, p entagogon it e, mon teregianit e, w ith th eir chann el sizes varying from 0. 25 nm t o 1. 0 nm . T his pap er has summarized the environm ent al fu nct i



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