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Classified Index: CODE: 10075 U.D.C: NO A Dissertation for the Degree of Marts A Study on the Urban Development of Zhang Jiakou in the Modern Period (1860-1937) Candidate: Mei Lan Supervisor: Prof. Xiao Hongsong Academic Degree Applied for: Master of History Specialty: Specialized History University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: June, 2013 摘 要 摘 要 本文以张家口城市为研究对象,围绕其近代城市发展历程为中心,通过对影响张家 口城市发展因素的长时段考察与分析,揭示张家口近代城市发展过程及特点。历史上的 张家口曾是著名商道——张库大道的起点和对蒙、俄贸易的物资集散地与中转枢纽,因 优越的地理位置而发展起来的“转口贸易”促进了张家口由原来以军事防御为主的封闭 型边塞城镇逐步向集军事防御与经济贸易为一体的城市演变。进入近代以后,随着张家 口对外开埠,商品经济迅速发展,张家口交通运输、城市结构与功能,人口与教育发展 等多方面均有所变化。在推动张家口近代城市发展的众多因素当中,商业起到最为关键 的作用,此外开埠、交通等也是推动张家口城市发展的重要促动因素。本文将重点研究 影响张家口近代城市发展的主要因素,并对体现张家口近代城市发展面貌的诸多方面进 行考量。 关键词 近代 张家口 城市发展 促动因素 变迁 I Abstract Abstract Taking Zhang Jiakou as the research object, this paper focuses on the modern urban development of it. Through studying and analyzing the factors which had influence upon the urban development of Zhang Jiakou, the process of Zhang Jiakou’s modern development and its characteristics will be revealed in this paper. In the history of Zhang Jiakou, it once acted as the starting station of the Zhang JiakouKulun Road which was a very influential road for business in the history. It also served as the distribution center of goods and materials as well as transfer hub in the Sino-Russian trade and Chinese-Mongolian trade. The transit trade, which gradua


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