现代刑侦大全(Modern criminal investigation).doc

现代刑侦大全(Modern criminal investigation).doc

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现代刑侦大全(Modern criminal investigation)

现代刑侦大全(Modern criminal investigation) No matter how carefully the criminals plot the crime, one thing is certain. They will leave a flaw before they leave the scene...... A, fingerprint files As you all know, there are no two identical fingerprints, and it has the following characteristics 1, from birth to death, the pattern of human fingerprints is constant. 2, when the skin regenerates, the fingerprints also regenerate, so burning or performing an operation doesnt necessarily change the fingerprint. 3, fingerprints are one of the last parts of decay after death. They can identify dead people who died for several years. 4, the palm of the lines and fingerprints, can also help solve the case. 5, can leave fingerprints of items including paper, painted objects, not painted wood, plants, glass and metal (most rubber gloves will also have, however, unless it is special criminals before leaving, otherwise you cant get it). Items that cannot be left with fingerprints are stones, stones, and bricks. The following methods are available for obtaining fingerprints: 1, apply to glass, window frame and light switch light smooth surface. First of all, with the hair brush gently brushed the dust on the surface. The dust was stuck in the sweat fingerprints lines, removed the transparent tape clean on fingerprint, picked up after the date on a card, and place. 2, on the rough surface of the fingerprint, such as car accessories such as the available cyanoacrylate adhesive is heated in the car, and the car seal, this will produce steam, fingerprint become white, and fixed in place. Take fingerprints off in method 1. 3, for fingerprints on paper, Spray three grams of the paper on the paper with an aerosol and heat it with an iron. 4, when the room can not find fingerprints, turn off all the lights in the room, and use the laser detector to spray the room, so that some of the compounds on the fingerprint can be lit and the fingerprints will be taken. (FBI used it as early as 1980) B,


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