现场问题发掘与分析解决技巧(Site problem solving and analysis skills).doc

现场问题发掘与分析解决技巧(Site problem solving and analysis skills).doc

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现场问题发掘与分析解决技巧(Site problem solving and analysis skills)

现场问题发掘与分析解决技巧(Site problem solving and analysis skills) Learning course: site problem solving and analysis skills Radio examination 1. below belongs to the manufacturing site, the most intuitive performance of the site is to answer: C correct A machining workshop B assembly shop C or more include D or more is wrong 2. the basic objectives of the manufacturing site include: D correct A morale B production C delivery time D or more include 3., with the goal of PQCD as a guide, the shape of the manufacturing site problems and the impact on the enterprise production and marketing operations are shown in the following aspects: D correct A if the output is not up to the established target, it shows that the overall performance of the enterprise has been low, which will further lead to lower turnover rates and indirect cost sharing B under the premise of guaranteed output, if the quality of the product has a big problem, it means that the internal process of the enterprise has a high rate of bad, there is rework, loss and inspection annoyance C if the delay of delivery is frequent, it will affect the business reputation of the enterprise, and eventually lead to the decline and fall of the enterprise in the market competition D or more is correct The following 4. positive thinking models are: answer: D correct A use scientific management methods to improve B to establish a systematic mechanism C uses econometric models D or more is correct 5. on the basic principles of the PDCA management cycle, the following answer is incorrect: A is correct The A PDCA management cycle, also known as Dai Minghuan, was first proposed by Dr. Deming, a British quality management expert, Scientific procedures to be followed in total quality management B PDCA is the first letter of the English word Plan (plan), Do (execution), Check (check) and Action (processing) The C PDCA cycle is a scientific process in which quality management is carried out in such an order and loops are carried on The wh


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