班委会的组成、组建及工作要求(The composition, form and work requirements of the class committee).doc

班委会的组成、组建及工作要求(The composition, form and work requirements of the class committee).doc

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班委会的组成、组建及工作要求(The composition, form and work requirements of the class committee)

班委会的组成、组建及工作要求(The composition, form and work requirements of the class committee) The composition, form and work requirements of the class committee Part one of the class committee Mission: help teachers actively organize the class all intentional activities, urge the whole class to study hard, to complete the task of learning, to assist the teacher a good class, the class to carry out sports activities, do a good job cleaning, care for students life and learning. To guide students to carry out criticism and self-criticism, to fighting against the bad tendency, as diligence, discipline and love of labor, simply take good care of public property model. 1, the class formation can be divided into three stages: by appointment to the election, and then to the rotation. A new class teacher, according to some archives of students, with their careful observation and understanding of home visits and other means to monitor and appoint members, members of several sports as a temporary class cadre of class management work. During this period, the class teacher should pay attention to observing the words and deeds of these temporary class cadres, working ability and interpersonal relationship, laying the foundation for looking for talents. In order to train students work ability, develop students Non intelligence factors, and promote the rapid growth of student leaders, after a month, I adopted the election method. I would like to mobilize all class work, and have the ability to do the work of students class cadres, to participate in the campaign. Each campaign for students to write their own class what run for office, why to run for this position, ready to work their campaign speeches, then each candidate speech in the class, finally let students ballot according to their election manifesto and practical ability. Through the campaign, have members of the class committee. These members of the class committee for students desire, and have a strong ability to work, and they study


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