甘肃省扶助残疾人规定(Provisions for assisting disabled persons in Gansu).doc

甘肃省扶助残疾人规定(Provisions for assisting disabled persons in Gansu).doc

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甘肃省扶助残疾人规定(Provisions for assisting disabled persons in Gansu)

甘肃省扶助残疾人规定(Provisions for assisting disabled persons in Gansu) Provisions for assisting disabled persons in Gansu At 15:55 on November 13, 2009, 85 Subject classification: ethnic Civil Affairs Disabled Provisions for assisting disabled persons in Gansu Decree No. fifty-ninth of the peoples Government of Gansu Province The provisions of the Gansu Province on assisting disabled persons have been discussed and adopted by the thirty-ninth executive session of the provincial peoples Government on October 23, 2009, and are hereby promulgated. It will come into effect on January 1, 2010. Governor Xu Shousheng Two years nine, October 30th Provisions for assisting disabled persons in Gansu Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the law of the Peoples Republic of China on the protection of persons with disabilities and other laws and regulations in accordance with the actual conditions of the province so as to ensure equal participation in social life by disabled persons and the sharing of social material and cultural achievements. Article second these Provisions shall apply to the work of assisting disabled persons in the administrative areas of this province. Article third the peoples governments at or above the county level shall strengthen their leadership over the work of assisting the disabled, and comprehensively coordinate the work of assisting disabled persons in their respective administrative areas. The peoples governments at or above the county level shall exercise guidance and inspection on the implementation of these Provisions, and submit their opinions and suggestions to the peoples governments at the corresponding levels and the departments concerned concerned. The departments concerned such as civil affairs, education, health, human resources and social security shall do a good job of assisting the disabled in their respective areas of responsibility. The public service unit shall perform its responsibilitie


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