电路与模拟电子技术课第三章习题解答(Circuit and analog electronic technology lesson third exercises answer).doc

电路与模拟电子技术课第三章习题解答(Circuit and analog electronic technology lesson third exercises answer).doc

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电路与模拟电子技术课第三章习题解答(Circuit and analog electronic technology lesson third exercises answer)

电路与模拟电子技术课第三章习题解答(Circuit and analog electronic technology lesson third exercises answer) This article is contributed by tihuidaziran DOC documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view. The third chapter sinusoidal AC circuit 3.1, two sinusoidal voltages of the same frequency, U1 = 10 sin (omega T + 30 DEG) V, u 2 = 4 cos (omega T + 60 DEG) V, and find them there RMS and phase difference. Solution: write two sinusoidal voltage in standard form U1 = 10 sin (omega T + 30 DEG + 180 DEG) V U 2 = 4 sin (omega T + 60 DEG + 90 DEG) V, Its valid value is U1 = 102 = 7.07V, U = 2 42 = 2.83V 1 = 210 degrees, or 150 degrees, 2 = 150 degrees = 1? 2 = 60 degrees Three point two known phasors, A1 = 23 + J 2, A2 = +2 + J 23, A3 = A1 + A2, A4 = A1 = A2, try to write them Polar coordinate expression. Solution: 31? A1 = 4 + J = 4?? e? J 30 DEG = 4 / 30 ~ 22???? 13? ? = 4 / 60 = 4 + J ~ A2?? 22??? A3 = A1 + A2 = 23 + 2 + J (2 + 23) = 2 (3 + 1) (1 + J) = 22 (1 + 3) / 45 degrees A4 = A1? A2 = 4 * 4 / 30 ~ + 60 degrees = 16 / 90 ~ = j16 3.3 known two current I1 = 2 sin (314T + 30 DEG) A, I 2 = 5 cos (314T + 45 DEG) A, if I = I1 + I 2, I And draw a phase diagram. Solution: I2 = 5 sin (314T + 45 DEG + 90 DEG) A, the magnitude of the magnitude of the two current is I1m = 2 / 30 ~ A, I 2 m = 5 / 135 ~ A Total current amplitude phasor Sixteen I, M = I, 1m + I 2, M = 2 (COS + 30, + J, sin 30 degrees) + 5 (cos135 + J sin 135) = 3? 5252 + J (1 +) = 1.80 + 4.53 = 4.85? J / 112 ~ 22 Im I 2m 112 degrees I1m +1 I (T) = 4.85 sin (314T + 112 DEG) A The phasor is shown on the right. A 3.4 two terminal element, both ends of the voltage phasor known as U = 220 / 120 ~ V, current phasor is I = 5 / 30 ~ A, f=50HZ, determine the components of the type, and determine the parameter values. Solution: the impedance of the element is 220 / 120 = U deg = 44 / 90 ~ 5 / 30 = J 44 deg I element i



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