笔记本电脑选购 不得不看哦(Laptop to buy, have to see Oh!).doc

笔记本电脑选购 不得不看哦(Laptop to buy, have to see Oh!).doc

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笔记本电脑选购 不得不看哦(Laptop to buy, have to see Oh!)

笔记本电脑选购 不得不看哦(Laptop to buy, have to see Oh!) First, look at the characteristics and types of notebook computers: As prices continue to decline, laptops are being used by mobile office users because of their ability to run away from the power source and carry them around. Notebook can be roughly divided into desktop substitution type, mainstream light type and ultra light type. A desktop replacement type volume, weight and a larger display interface is complete, can provide a powerful data processing ability and graphics; the mainstream light volume is relatively small, the CD-ROM floppy drive swap mechanism; ultra-thin compact, stylish, usually an external floppy drive (or drive), CD-ROM. Two, buy Laptops mainly from the following aspects to consider:? 1, CPU: notebook computer processor, the current mainstream P4, good performance, the advantage in speed, the need for application software installation more complex users, although the high price is also worth considering; many manufacturers use P4 processor desktop instead of P4 - M to reduce the cost of P3 processor in the notebook has been clearing inventory stage, the price is low, for the common document, edit the report has enough; also in the low-end market in cheaper is Celeron processor. 2. Display screen: liquid crystal display is the most expensive part of the notebook computer. The main screen size is 14.1 inches, or 15 inches, if you travel frequently, it is recommended to choose some ultra-thin, ultra light laptop, the 12 inch ~13 inch screen, if the user is sitting in the office, may wish to choose a little, so it looks more comfortable. 3, memory: Although 128MB is very enough, but if installed to 256MB, running WinXP is relatively smooth, the current memory is DDR as the mainstream. 4, hard disk capacity: the current notebook capacity basically more than 10GB, while the mainstream models with 20GB or 30GB range. But if there are multimedia files to store, you have to choose as large a hard disk as p



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