教师资格考试中学教育心理学识记与理解第4章(The teacher qualification exam of middle school education psychology memory and understanding the fourth chapter).doc

教师资格考试中学教育心理学识记与理解第4章(The teacher qualification exam of middle school education psychology memory and understanding the fourth chapter).doc

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教师资格考试中学教育心理学识记与理解第4章(The teacher qualification exam of middle school education psychology memory and understanding the fourth chapter)

教师资格考试中学教育心理学识记与理解第4章(The teacher qualification exam of middle school education psychology memory and understanding the fourth chapter) The teacher qualification exam of middle school education psychology memory and understanding: the fourth chapter The fourth chapter is learning motivation [evaluation objectives] 1.. Learning motivation, self-efficacy, problem situation and other basic concepts. The relationship between the Yerkes, a law, theory of achievement motivation, the main ideas of 2. understand the learning motivation structure and learning effect. 3. by two ways of learning is required for the formation of the students learning motivation in teaching practice; analysis hierarchy of needs theory, attribution theory and self-efficacy theory on the cultivation of learning motivation and inspiration inspire. [main knowledge points and assessment requirements] A part of memory L, the concept of learning motivation; learning motivation refers to an internal process or an internal psychological state that stimulates an individual to learn, maintain, or cause learning to be directed toward a certain learning goal. Generally has the following three functions: first, activation function, two is pointing function, and three is strengthening function 2, the concept of self-efficacy: refers to peoples subjective judgment of whether they can succeed in doing some achievement. 3, the concept of the problem situation, refers to a certain degree of difficulty, students need to strive to overcome, but also within the context of their abilities. 4, the types of learning motivation: (1) noble motives and low motives (2) direct motivation and long-range indirect motivation of close range (3) internal learning motivation and external learning motivation Two, understanding part 1, the structure of learning motivation and the relationship between learning motivation and learning effectiveness The two basic components of learning motivation are learning needs and learning expecta



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