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中文摘要 在我国农业史上,宋代是一个大变革的时期:南方的水稻成为全国产量最大的粮食 作物,麦正式超越粟成为北方的首粮。宋代麦粟等旱地作物的南下以及随之形成的各种 轮作制度,南方丘陵旱地与北方涝地的开垦利用,宋代粮食产量的提高,这些都离不开 宋代农作物品种的发展。在宋代,农作物品种发展迅速,以水稻为例,宋代之前各朝代 的水稻品种,多者不过二十多种,但宋代已达到 273 种以上,仅北宋时引入的占城稻, 在南宋时已经衍生出至少 18 个品种。农作物新品种的出现,对于扩大当时的可耕地面 积、提高粮食产量意义深远。而宋代北方旱地作物如麦、粟、豆等,在宋朝政府的推广 下,在南方广为种植。麦粟的南下,也推动了宋代南方耕作制度的变化,稻麦轮作、麦 豆轮作等轮作制度纷纷出现、成熟,大大丰富了南方的耕作方式。通过对宋代农作物品 种的研究,对于宋代各种轮作制度的形成、完善过程有更清楚的认识。宋代农作物的南 北交流,也影响了南北饮食文化的发展,对于宋代及以后的中国饮食文化的不断丰富意 义深远。宋末元初麻和棉花种植的此消彼长,推动了中国古代衣着文化的一次变革,棉 布开始取代麻布成为中国人的主要衣料。总之,通过对宋代农作物品种的研究,我们可 以对宋代经济、文化的一系列问题有更深刻的认识。 关键词:宋代;农作物;品种;轮作制 I ABSTRACT In the history of Chinas agriculture, the song dynasty is a period of great changes in the southern rice to become the countrys largest food crop yield, mike officially beyond the first food corn become the north. Song of the MaiSu upland crops such as south and then formed various rotation system, north and southern hills and dry land reclamation, land utilization of waterlogging song dynasty food production progress, and these are inseparable from the development of the song dynasty crops varieties. In the song dynasty, the rapid development of crop variety, with rice, for example, before the song dynasty dynasty of rice varieties, much but more than 20, but to achieve more song dynasty, only 273 introducing accounted for city in southern song dynasty rice, when at least 18 has derived varieties. The emergence of new varieties of crops for expanding at that time, the amount of arable land, improving yield meaningful. And in northern song dynasty upland crops such as wheat, corn, beans, etc, in the song dynasty, the promotion of government in the southern widely planted. MaiSu from southern song dynasty, but also promo



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