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the land use right boundaries have been changing 2 times in a month… Strategies 策略 ‘just right’ grid size san francisco venice amsterdam barcelona tokyo shenzhen 150/80m -extension of San Francisco grid to the sea -full commercial/touristic use -piers as coastline design FISHERMAN’S WHARF, SAN FRANCISCO 30/150 – 250/350 m -small canals to divide the blocks -human-scale urban experience VENICE 80/250 - 150/750m -long grids resulted by canals -uniform small Dutch houses -9am-5pm commercial, public, working area AMSTERDAM 120/120 m -diagonal as a strategy to integrate old Gothic area with uniform grid as planned by Cerda -successful shopping street in La Rambla, wide pedestrian area between 2 car lanes BARCELONA 25/50-70/110 m -super dense 24-hours commercial area -strong pedestrian flow SHINJUKU, TOKYO 80/80, 50/60 m -the smallest grid cluster in Shenzhen -office/commercial use -car and human integration HUAQIANG BEI LU, SHENZHEN If we adapt 50/60 grid to the site, will it work? preview re-location re-volume GRID expansion integration of existing grid with existing 1992 village grid… integration of existing grid with seafood market mechanism grid expansion creates future development possibilities… diagonal-network * URBANUS Architecture Design Xiaodu Liu Yan Meng berlage institute Daliana Suryawinata Taichi Tsuchihashi Zhu Ying 都市实践设计事务所 刘晓都 孟岩 荷兰贝尔拉格学院 Daliana Suryawinata Taichi Tsuchihashi Zhu Ying presents … 呈献 YANTIAN URBAN RENEWAL PLANNING 盐田墟镇城市更新规划方案 盐田 YANTIAN 2005 Contents 目录 5 conclusion 结论 4 answers 答案 3 trial process 设计发展过程 2 previous attempts 过去所做工作 1 problems and potentials 问题与潜质 existing condition and potentials 问题与潜质 Position 定位 Understanding Yantian’s position as the 4th biggest port in the world… Projected to be the 3rd this year… 认识盐田作为世纪第四大集装箱港…预计今年升至第三… Taking into account MORE demand for a new development, And its position in regional scale, among 3 great forces of the port, city, and resort Accessibility 可达性 Havi


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