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考研学习中,专业课占的分值较大。报考院校专业的考研专业课真题是专业课复习中必不可少的资料。中公考研为大家整理了南开大学865专业英语2010年考研专业课真题及答案,并且可以提供南开大学考研专业课辅导,希望更多考生能够在专业课上赢得高分,升入理想的院校。南开大学865专业英语2010年硕士研究生入学考试试题南开大学2010年硕士研究生入学考试试题学院:100外国语学院考试科目:865专业英语专业:英语语言文学注意:请将所有答案写在专用答题纸上,答在此试题上无效!语言学(50分)Ⅰ. Define the following terms with examples where necessary:(每小题2分,共10分)dualityassimilationdiglossiadisplacementregisterⅡ. Work out the distinctive features of the sounds given blow:(每小题1分,共5分)1. [m]2. [f]3. [h]4. [e]5. [u]Ⅲ. Identify the meaning relations of the following pairs: (每小题1分,共5分)parent/childfar/neardead/alivepolitician/statesmanlion/cubⅣ. Answer the following questions: (每题10分,共30分)In English, the phoneme /p/ is pronounced differently in words such as pat, spat, or tap. Can you form a rule that can generalize this linguistic phenomenon?In the following three sentences, the particle “up” stays in different positions, i.e. immediately after the verb in between the noun phrase and the relative clause; and at the end of the sentence.Can you formulate a syntactic rule to explain the position changes of the particle?She stood up the man who offered her a diamond.She stood the man up who offered her a diamond.She stood the man who offered her a diamond up.3. What kind of implicature do the following exchanges of conversation possibly make?A: The skirt she is wearing is beautiful, isn’t it?B: Oh, the pattern is nice.(The conversation is made when Speaker B knows for sure the obvious beauty of the skirt.)英美文学(50分)Ⅴ. Define briefly the following terms. (本题共20分,每小题4分)Walt Whitman and Leaves of GrassOld English, middle English and modern EnglishRealismSonnetAlliterationⅥ. Reading and Interpreting.(本题共30分,每小题3分)Questions 1 to 6 are based on the following poem by Sir Philip Sidney.Sonnet 31With how sad steps, O Moon, thou climb’st the skies!How silently, and with how wan a face!What, may it be that even in heavenly placeThat busy archer his sharp arrows tries?Sure, if that long with love-acquainted eyesCan judge of love, thou feel’s
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