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Cloning ;differ;;Objective;Cloning?;A clone is an animal or plant produced naturally or artificially from the cells of another animal or plant and is exactly the same as it. Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plant. The clone has the same DNA as the parent. ; There are different types of cloning, and cloning technologies can be used for other purposes besides producing the genetic twin of another organism. The three types of cloning technologies are: (1) recombinant DNA technology or DNA cloning(基因重组克隆技术) (2) reproductive cloning(生殖性克隆) (3) therapeutic cloning (治疗性克隆);克隆一词是英文单词clone的音译,作为名词,clone通常被意译为无性繁殖系。同一克隆的所有成员的遗传构成是完全相同的,例外仅见于有突变发生时。自然界早已存在天然植物、动物和微生物的克隆。; 人们开始探索用人工的方法来生产高等动物克隆。这样,克隆一词就开始被用作动词,指人工培育克隆动物这一动作。 目前,生产哺乳动物克隆的方法主要 有胚胎分割和细胞核移植两种。克隆羊 “多莉”,以及其后各国科学家培育的各种 克隆动物,采用的都是细胞核移植技术。 ;所谓细胞核移植,是指将不同发育时期的胚胎或成体动物的细胞核,经显微手术和细胞融合方法移植到去核卵母细胞中,重新组成胚胎并使之发育成熟的过程。由于细胞核移植是产生克隆动物的有效方法,故人们往往把它称为动物克隆技术。 ;In pairs, look at these pictures and discuss which ones are natural clones and which ones are man-made. Think about how they differ.;Dolly the sheep;一株草莓依靠它沿地“爬走”的匍匐茎, 一年内就能长出数百株草莓苗。;Growing new plants;Natural clone is one that occurs in nature without human help. ;Cactus (仙人掌);;man-made clone examples ; Dolly, the first mammal to be cloned from adult DNA, was put down by lethal injection on Feb. 14, 2003. Prior to her death, Dolly had been suffering from lung cancer and crippling arthritis (严重的关节炎). ;Dolly是世界上第一例用体细胞——乳腺上皮细胞,通过细胞核移植技术,在复杂的人工操作下,得到的一只小绵羊。;Scientists have been cloning animals for many years. The creation of Dolly is the first mammal cloned from the cell of an adult animal. Since Dolly, researchers have cloned a number of large and small animals including sheep, goats, oxen, mice, pigs, cats, rabbits and so on. All these clones were created using nuclear transfer technology (细胞核移植技术). ;The mule in the picture is the world’s first cloned mule. It was born on 4 May 200



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