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海洋环境噪声研究发展概述及应用前景* 2014 -07 -15收到 † email :guoxinyi@mail.ioa.ac.cn † 郭新毅 李 凡 铁广朋 马 力 DOI:10.7693/w (中国科学院声学研究所 中国科学院水声环境特性重点实验室 北京 100190) Overview of ocean ambient noise and application prospects GUO Xin-Yi† LI Fan TIE Guang-Peng MA Li (Key Laboratory of Underwater Acoustic Environment ,Institute of Acoustics ,Chinese Academy of Sciences ,Beijing 100190,China) 摘 要 海洋环境噪声是海洋声场的背景场,通常被当作干扰项。在传统的水声学 和海洋声学中,对海洋环境噪声的研究目的大多是为了降低或抑制环境噪声对水下设备的干 扰,提高水下设备的性能和作用距离。目前,许多国家纷纷投入力量,开展海洋环境噪声数 据获取、分析及噪声场建模工作。从另一个角度考虑,海洋环境噪声是海洋中永恒存在的声 场,包含了水体及海底海面等环境特性信息。因此,可利用海洋环境噪声来研究海洋环境物 理特性,通过低代价换取丰富的海洋声学信息。若能对海洋环境噪声的宽频带和任意时间存 在的特性加以利用,则可以从海洋环境噪声中提取出相关的海洋环境参数。 关键词 海洋环境噪声,海洋环境参数,环境噪声应用 Abstract Ocean ambient noise is usually considered as an interfering background fac- tor. In traditional underwater acoustics, research has mainly focused on the reduction and re- striction of ambient noise interference in underwater devices in order to enhance device perfor- mance and detection range. For this purpose, many countries have invested a lot of manpower and material resources to collect and analyze data and propose models of the ambient noise field. On the other hand, this noise is ever present in the ocean, and includes a great deal of environmental information concerning the hydrology, sea surface and seabed. Consequently, ocean ambient noise may be used to study the physical characteristics of the ocean, as well as to obtain a high yield of useful ocean acoustical information at low cost. By exploiting the wide frequency band and perpetual ambient noise, we may extract many


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