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1000-0569/ 2000/ 016( 04) -0581-86 A cta P etr olog ica S inica 岩石学报 X 李峰 庄凤良 杨海林 , 650093. D ep ar tment of E arth S cie nce, K unming Unive rs ity of S cience and T echnology , K unming 650093, China. 2000-05-23 收稿, 2000-10-27 改回. , . 2000. - Li Feng Zhuang Fengliang and Yang Hailin Fluid inclusion characteristics of Dapingzhang Cu polymetal deposit in western Yunnan. A cta Petr olog ica Sinica , 16( ) : 581586 - - Abstract D apingzhang Cu poly metal depo it w a com po ed of ma iv e ulf ide ore bed and veinlet di eminat ed ulfide or ebodie . Co mpar ed with the former , t he inclu ion in the latter wa char acterized by it complex a emblage in type , and higher hom og enizat ion tem per ature , alinity and tr apped pre ur e. Such v ariatio n in different orebo die w er e related to the - . , - - , evolution of or e form ing olution Ba ed on the t udie of compo itio n H and O i otope of fluid inclutio n it can be + + - 2- - deduced that or e-forming fluid wa character ized a being r ich in K , N a , Cl , SO , F , CO and CO , and belo ng to the 4 2 - , - , , K ty pe olutio n epi to me othermal in nature moder ately alinity and high pr e ur e mainly derived fro m ea w ater mix ed w ith mag matic w ater . Key wordsFluid inclu io n, Ore -for ming fluid, Dapingzhang Cu-polymetal depo it 大平掌铜多金属矿床由块状硫化物矿体( 上部) 和细脉浸染状矿体( 下部) 组成. 前 的包裹体类型简单, 均一温 度、盐度和捕获压力较低. 后 以包裹体类型复杂、均一温度及捕获压力较高为特征. 其差异与成矿流体演化有关. 研究表


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