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19 4 Vo l119 No14 p. 293 2009 8 90 Ch inese Journal ofM edicinal Chem istry Au 12009 Sum 90 : 1005- 0108( 2009) 04- 0293- 15 1, 2 2 1 2 马小根 , 顾 为, 林汉森 , 聂爱华 ( 1. , 5 10006; 2. , 100850) : B cl-2IAPMDM 2, : ; ; ; Bc-l 2; IAP; MDM 2; : R914 : A Recent advance of apoptosis based ant-i tumour drugs 1, 2 2 1 2 M A X iao- en , GU W ei, L IN Han-sen , N IE A -ihua ( 11Pharmaceutica lCollo e, Guan don PharmaceuticalU niversity,G uan don 510006, Ch ina; 21Institu te of Pharm acolo y and Toxicolo y, Academy ofM ilitary Science, Beijin 100850, Ch ina ) Abstract: It is one of the m ost mi portant strate y to d iscover novel anti-tumour dru s based on apoptosis m echan ism. This review w ill hi hli ht recent advances on the desi n and developm en t of novel ant-i tum our dru s tar etin the death recep tors, Bcl-2 fam ily proteins, inhibitor of apop tosis proteins and M DM 2 protein in the apop tosis pathw ay. K ey words: apoptosis; ant-i tumour dru ; death recep tor; Bcl-2 fam ily protein; inh ib itor of apoptosis proteins; M DM 2 protein; inh ib itor ( pro ramm ed cell death apopto- sis) , , , ( 1) [ 1] : , (, in trinsic pathw ay); , (, extrinsic path- DNA w ay) , , ( TNF)FA S( CD 95L )TNF- , ( TRA IL, APO 2) , TNF 10( TNFSF10) 1 ( TNF , TNFR 1)FAS ( , CD 95) 4( DR4, TRA IL 1, , TRA ILR 1) DR5( TRA IL2) : 2009- 01- 09 : ( : ( 1982- ), (), , ; ( 1966 - ), (), , , , , T e:l ( 010) E-m ail: aihuanie@ yahoo. com 29


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