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如何写读写任务中主题句读写任务中的第二部分,即发表看法这一部分的设置是十分灵活的,即以肯定、问题或关键词等方式呈现要点。出题者只提供一个框架和导向,具体的内容由考生来补全。因此这部分的段落结构是相当重要的。要在这部分文段中做到层次分明,条理清晰,就要写好每段的主题句,并将主题句放于段落的开头,使文章层次清晰,让阅卷老师一目了然。考生可以根据翻译法、问答法与过渡法去写每段的主题句。 一、翻译法 直接以一句话翻译该要点,作为该文段的主题句。要点以肯定的形式呈现的,考生可以遵循翻译法去写该段的主题句。 [例1]举例说明该老师对你学习或成长的影响;(2012广东高考要点2) 分析:该要点是以肯定的形式呈现的,因此考生可以遵循翻译法去写该段的主题句。 主题句:这让我想起了我的英语老师——Mandy, 在学习上她对我影响很大。 This reminds me of my English teacher, Mandy, who has influenced me a lot in my study. 参考范文: This reminds me of my English teacher, Mandy, who has influenced me a lot in my study. Inspired by her,I followed her instructions step by step,and gained achievements consequently. It is she who has taught me the value of study as well as the importance of making progress. [例2]以你的经历谈谈你和朋友相处的体会。(2012深圳一模要点3) 参考范文: It reminds me of my experience of getting along with a girl who acted like Mary last year. At that time, other roommates took the same attitude to her as Jane to Mary. However, I helped her to realize that her behavior was improper and unacceptable. Then she changed and now we are living together happily. [例3] 谈谈你自己或他人的一次团购经历。(2012惠州一模要点2) 参考范文: It reminds me of my experience of group buying. Last week,I surfed a well-known group buying website for two film tickets. With only 30 yuan, I got the tickets as well as two bottles of green tea, which saved me so much. It was a very nice experience. 二、回答法 以一句话回答该要点,并将该句子作为该文段的主题句。要点以问题的形式呈现的,考生可以遵循回答法去写该段的主题句。 [例4]你认为怎样才能更好地鼓励孩子学习。(2010广东高考要点2) 分析:该要点是以问题的形式呈现的,因此考生可以遵循回答法来写这一要点的主题句。 主题句:我认为可以以下的方式更好地鼓励孩子学习。 From my point of view,we can encourage kids to study in the following ways. 参考范文: From my point of view, we can encourage kids to study in the following ways. To begin with, schools are supposed to educate kids by teaching them to study for their family. Besides, some meaningful activities are expected to be held to enable the students to know the significance of study. [例5]你对过节送礼如何理解?(2011深圳宝安


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