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* * 深圳实验学校中学部 张伟 ? Text : Many years ago: Henry Beecher is a great American. He is famous for his speaking skills. He doesn’t like slavery (奴隶制), so some people hate him. Every Sunday, he gives a talk in his church (教堂). One Sunday, he goes into the church and finds several letters for him. He opens one. The letter has only one word on it: “Fool.” Henry knows that it must come from one of his enemies (敌人). He quietly looks up to the audience (听众) in the church and speaks seriously: “Many men forget to sign their names after they write a letter, but this one is different. He signs his name but forgets to write the letter.” Curriculum focus: Getting to know the background and the humour of the story Word study 3. Grammar tips Present Tense Pre-reading: How much do you know about American history and slavery in the US? While reading Who is Henry Beecher ? A. a great Britain B. A great Russian C. A great American 2. What is he famous for ? A. handwriting B. speaking skills C. painting 3. Why do some people hate him ? A.Because he loves slavery . B. Because he only likes white people. C. Because he doesn’t like slavery . 4. What does he often do on Sundays ? A. He donates(捐献) money for the poor . B. He does some work for black people. C.He often has meetings in his church . 5 What does he find one day ? A. a letter B. a book C. a photo 6. Where does the letter come from ? A. his friend B. his wife C. an enemy 7. What was the enemy’s name Henry read out? A. Enemy . B. Fool C. Friend D. Henry 8. Which would you choose to describe Henry? A. Funny B. Quick witted C. excited D. angry Present Tense : 主要用法: 表示经常性、习惯性的动作或状态。常于often , usually , every day , sometimes , always …等连用。 I go to school every day . They often help each other . 2.表示客观事实和真理。 The sun rises in the east . There are four seasons in a year . 3. 表示主语的特征、状态或能力。 Tom works hard . 1. Miss Li ______ (be) a teacher of English. 2.


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