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基于冲击电压下有功损耗电缆绝缘状态评估 ,,(1. 国网重庆市电力公司永川供电分公司,重庆;2. 四川大学 电气信息学院,成都 ) 摘要:结果表明该系统能够实现对冲击电压和冲击电流的自动同步采集和存储,波形无振荡畸变。的冲击电压和冲击电流数据进行数值积分,得到冲击下的有功损耗与介质损耗正切值测量结果对比,发现两种评估手段的结论是一致的,表明有功损耗能够良好地反映电缆的绝缘状态。 关键词:;冲击电流;有功损耗;;罗氏线圈;abVIEW 中图分类号:TM 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1001-1390(201)00-0000-00 Assessment of cable insulation condition based on active power loss measurement under impulse voltage Zhang Xinglong1, Mao Xin1, Zeng Can1, Zhou Xuan1, Xiao Xu1, He Min2, Zhou Kai2 (1. State Grid Chongqing Yongchuan Power Supply Company, Chongqing 402160, China. 2. School of Electrical Engineering and Information, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China) Abstract: assess the cable insulation conditions, a measurement system is designed to acquire the data of the impulse voltage and surge current based on LabVIEW, and a method of active power loss is proposed for the evaluation of insulation condition of the cable. A low damping resistance-capacitance series voltage divider based on two-stage division is designed as the voltage sensor, and a hollow Rogowski coil is designed as the current sensor. The DS6104 oscilloscope is designed as a data acquisition device, and the LabVIEW software platform is used to control the oscilloscope and acquire and storage data. The measurement system can automatically and synchronously acquire and store the data of the impulse voltage and surge current without oscillation and distortion. The data of impulse voltage and surge current is measured, and numerical integration is calculated to obtain active power loss of the water tree aging cable. The active power loss and the dielectric loss are consistent for the same cables samples. It indicates that the active power loss can assess the cable insulation conditions. Keywords:impulse voltage, surge current, active power loss, divider, ogowski coil, LabVIEW 0 引 言 2000年以后,城市电网中电缆化率开始迅速增加。一般电缆使用寿命约30年,随着运行时间的增加,这些前期投入运行的电缆老化越来越严重,极有可能发生绝缘击穿事故。此外,由于电缆共沟率高,负荷重,安装时存在隐患,容易引发连锁故障,从而引发大面积停电事故。为了减少电缆绝缘事故的发生


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