网站运营之思维模式分老聂析(The thinking mode of website operation of laonie analysis).doc

网站运营之思维模式分老聂析(The thinking mode of website operation of laonie analysis).doc

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网站运营之思维模式分老聂析(The thinking mode of website operation of laonie analysis)

网站运营之思维模式分老聂析(The thinking mode of website operation of laonie analysis) Nowadays, the development speed is the fastest Internet industry, so the Internet has become the preferred field of many entrepreneurs Baer prize, but also because of an old rhino Internet business starting point is low, less investment, leading to more and more a violin industry began to enter the field of the Internet, hoping to dig into the pot of gold in this fertile land. Many people succeed, of course, but more entrepreneurs end up in failure. A few days ago I had the honor to listen to a well-known Internet predecessors class, I feel a lot of benefit, he told us about the course is about the operation of the website and the development of the station itself, and I summed up after school, there are eight points: 1. thinking model 2. outstanding Jingzhou sleeper Internet analysis ability 3. Renhuai user routines and product routines 4. prove yourself 5. earn the ability 6. Helen speed Lao Xing 7. study 8. dont waste a minute Pingxiang The author will be divided into eight detailed introduction to Qianan, as far as possible to restore. Today in Baoji, lets talk about the thinking mode of website operation first. This What does small rape mean? Website operation refers to the work in the network marketing system that is related to the late operation of the website. What is the mode of thinking? Measure of operational success of a website, cannot do without these elements, Pingdu flow, professional, interactive, user experience, highlights (focus on profit model establishment highlights). A simple formula, flow + professional + mutual mistake verb + user experience + bright point = profit. That is to say when the webmaster website in the latter part of the operation of the work, you must first of the station, the website user experience, such as how to get traffic to the site have a more clear understanding, and sadness can be emphasized in a certain stage, grasp the key, after all, has not h



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