装机绝招(Unique skills of installation).doc

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装机绝招(Unique skills of installation)

装机绝招(Unique skills of installation) The author, as a veteran of more than 10 computers, has passed on many years of experience in the installation of machines without reservation to anyone, such as the ability to concentrate on research and ensure that the machine is never cheated. With so many machines (I can not so much Money, their only one, is to help people Jiezhuang ten several units), IT of the feeling in the market is only one - JS too much, really should be not rape this sentence. Whether it is a big company respected, or a temporary spell hit guerrilla, all in order to maximize profit is the ultimate goal, which is the difference in the extent of the black heart. Often a few words, a set of, you know whether you are an expert or rookie. So buy a computer must find a knowledgeable (such as me, please I eat KFC on the line, ha ha) to go, otherwise, spend money is small, buy a lot of defective goods, repair to find gas under miserable. Here, I strongly recommend to buy relatively large businesses, in general, they did not dare to take the fake to you after all spend tens of millions of advertising to set up a good image, Im ruined because of that little profit. Buy a computer but also to look at the summer vacation: before and after Saturday Sunday will be slightly more expensive, when the stock price will be 4 parts, 5, November, CPU vendors will cut prices, some manufacturers will advertise in the media, engage in some promotional activities...... Pay more attention to newspapers and magazines, and sometimes you will get unexpected results. In talking about the price (commonly known as talk about), goods than three is certain, more than a few inquiries about the offer, write more than a few configurations, compare. The price of various accessories do not have to pay too much attention to, usually the price of such parts a few tens of dollars, and other accessories will quietly rose up to more than 100. Under normal circumstances, the same configuration of t



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