跳远技巧(Long jump technique).doc

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跳远技巧(Long jump technique)

跳远技巧(Long jump technique) How can you jump far in standing high jump in the entrance examination? Standing long jump action is different, jumping out of the results are not the same. So, how can you jump far in the same physical condition? Through the teaching practice and exploration of the standing long jump, some techniques and methods have been improved and better effects have been achieved. Its practices are as follows: One, two feet equal station For two feet stand method, often overlooked. The sports teaching material is different about this problem: some legs slightly apart; some require two feet and shoulder width. As for what positions to stand, the teaching materials are not specifically defined, so most of the physical education teachers use eight type station method. In the teaching practice, I feel that the former is difficult to grasp, but the latter is clear, but larger. My approach is: feet first stand upright posture, and then before the toes as a support point, the two feet to follow the two sides separated from the legs into a parallel position. In this way, the toes move forward, in accordance with the direction of movement, while the legs are basically in a vertical position, neither produce an angle, but also conducive to knee and ankle movements. And students dare to master it easily. Share Yang Jie. Yang Jie. The current share share share share returns home? Trick 800 meters, test the teacher you vulnerable!!!!! Source: Hanyong log in Pay attention before the game: 1. 30 minutes before drinking water of high concentration of glucose (glucose is rapidly absorbed monosaccharide directly on the muscle), dont drink other drinks, thirsty to drink water, before 30 minutes do not eat any food. Remember!! 2., the competition must not eat chocolate and other sweets, eating the game will be sticky when the throat. 3. learn about your opponent. Whose level is high, whose achievement is good, do know fairly well. Secondly, prepare yourself well. Prepare



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