身体器官工作表一览,别熬夜,年轻人注意了(Keep a list of body parts, dont stay up late, young man).doc

身体器官工作表一览,别熬夜,年轻人注意了(Keep a list of body parts, dont stay up late, young man).doc

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身体器官工作表一览,别熬夜,年轻人注意了(Keep a list of body parts, dont stay up late, young man)

身体器官工作表一览,别熬夜,年轻人注意了(Keep a list of body parts, dont stay up late, young man) Any attempt to change the biological clock will leave the body with unexplained diseases, 20 or 30 years later, it is too late to repent. First, at 9-11 PM for the immune system (lymph) detoxification time, this time should be quiet or listen to music. Two, 11- at 1 in the evening, the liver detoxification, sleep in the process. Three, 1-3 in the morning, the bile detoxification is also the same. Four, 3-5 in the morning, the lung detoxification. This is why people cough during this period of coughing the most severe, because the detoxification action has gone to the lungs; should not Medicine, so as not to curb the elimination of waste products. Five, 5-7 in the morning, the large intestine detoxification, should go to the toilet stool. Six, 7-9 in the morning, the small intestine absorption of nutrients during the period, should eat breakfast. The treatment of the patient is best to eat early, at 6:30 before the health of those who do not eat breakfast before 7:30, should change habits, even if dragged to 9 or 10 points to eat, than do not eat well. Seven, midnight to 4 in the morning for the spine hematopoietic period, must sleep, should not stay up late The viscera corresponding to the points of the hand, foot, and body (fig) The following figures show the internal organs of our hands, feet, and body points. When massaging, aim at the acupuncture point force, can be beneficial to our body. As shown, for example, our toes represent our eyes and ears, and the whole foot is the backbone of the human body. Heres the hand The body is the capital of the revolution, learned to massage yourself. Stretch your ears and conserve your entire body The kidney is one of the most important organs of the human body. Whether kidney function is normal or not plays an important role in health and longevity. The theory of the five elements of Chinese medicine holds that the kidney is the essence of the Zan


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