身体素质测试(Physical fitness test).doc

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身体素质测试(Physical fitness test)

身体素质测试(Physical fitness test) Commonly used simple physical fitness assessment methods, 2007-10-21 11:47, the following issued several commonly used simple physical quality assessment methods, interested friends can try Evaluation standard 1. test heart rate Run to the four floor at a stretch, then measure your heart rate. If you can run up to the four floor at one go, it will be neither strenuous nor breathless. It proves that you are in good health. The heart rate is 100~130 times per minute, and the constitution is pretty good. The heart rate is 130~140 times per minute, and the constitution is normal. Heart rate is more than 150 times per minute, poor physique, should pay attention to strengthening exercise. 2. self test tolerance Stand in the same steps, take two steps on the right foot first, then left onto the two steps, and then right back two. In this cycle, complete one turn every 2~3 seconds and measure your pulse after 3 minutes. Because men and women have significant differences in physiology, the standards of endurance are different. For men, the pulse rate is 63~76; 77~90 is good; 91~106 is average; 107~120 is pass; 121~134 is bad. For women, the pulse rate is 73~86; 87~100 is good; 101~117 is general; 118~130 is pass; 131~144 is bad. 3. self test Sit ups: men have 23 passes per minute Push ups: men have 25 passes per minute One kilometer running: 4 minutes and 5 seconds pass Horse: back on the wall, the size of the legs have 90 degrees of horse, until the thighs are fever so far Stick to 1 minutes to pass, adhere to 2 minutes for good, more than 3 minutes is excellent. 4. self test flexibility Sit on a chair with legs straight and heels on the floor. Your feet with lying in the middle of a meter, two feet with 40 cm apart, then the upper body forward, arms stretched as far as possible to touch the feet, toes, if touched, will separate the feet, until the hand just can touch the toes, the two metre scale between the heel. The standards of flexibility


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