超限车辆对公路的影响及管理措施(Influence of overrun vehicles on highway and management measures).doc

超限车辆对公路的影响及管理措施(Influence of overrun vehicles on highway and management measures).doc

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超限车辆对公路的影响及管理措施(Influence of overrun vehicles on highway and management measures)

超限车辆对公路的影响及管理措施(Influence of overrun vehicles on highway and management measures) Influence of overrun vehicles on highway and management measures Influence of overrun vehicles on highway and management measures 2008-12-20 14:57:10 [Abstract] the overloading on the highway are severely damaged, involves a number of industries, to the attention of the whole society, it caused the traffic accident to peoples life and property suffered enormous losses, highway construction results are not easily won the phagocytosis of the development of the national economy, sound, must start from the source, comprehensive management, fundamentally eliminate this phenomenon the occurrence of traffic safety and the peoples life and property from damage. [Keywords] transfinite overloading; influence on highway; management and Management Countermeasures [introduction] Vehicle overloading is a stubborn disease disturbing the road transport order in our country, not only constitutes a direct road damage and traffic problems, and disrupt the market economic order. Not only a great harm to peoples lives and state property safety, but also has become a prominent problem affecting the overall, coordinated and sustainable development of the national economy. The problem of overloading is produced in a variety of factors, has complicated roots, governance is difficult, we must start from the source, to further strengthen education, improve citizen awareness of traffic law and improve the overall quality of law enforcement personnel, law enforcement, and the implementation of macro-control and comprehensive management, make it completely radical With the rapid development of our national economy and the opening to the outside world, on the road of heavy trucks, cars, trains, a large flatbed container transport vehicles and other truck transportation, the number and proportion of increase year by year. The status quo of Chinas highway is the most highway in low standard, poor quality, especially t


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