车间员工管理制度(Workshop staff management system).doc

车间员工管理制度(Workshop staff management system).doc

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车间员工管理制度(Workshop staff management system)

车间员工管理制度(Workshop staff management system) Objective: in order to maintain a good order of production, improve labor productivity and ensure the smooth progress of production, the following management system is formulated. Scope: suitable for all staff in production workshop. Content: 1 early meeting system 1.1, the staff must go to work 15 minutes in advance to the playground early morning meeting, if violators will be punished according to the regulations, be late, leave early once, buckle performance points 3 points, more than two people will be fined 10 yuan, fines will be 20 yuan. 1.2 employees in the early meeting to stand straight, listen to the supervisor or team leaders speech, no shouting, laughing, talking about each other, speak and do some early nothing matters, or 10 yuan / fine. 1.3 lines of the leader must work every day 15 minutes ahead of time to arrive at the playground staff meeting early, if a violation will be punished, each week will be deducted 3 points of performance, more than once a week will be deducted 6 points / performance points. 1.4 the leader of each line must deliver the latest instructions of the company or superior and the production plan of the day to the staff in time for the opening meeting. The time should be kept within 10 minutes, otherwise the performance score of 3 points will be deducted. The 1.5 leaders will open early when the speech should be loud and strong, with encouragement, not free to criticize and blame the staff. 2 leave system 2.1 special things must be personally, should leave in the form of writing in 2 hours before and after the signing of the competent leadership, will leave force, can not leave or leave afterwards (such as ill unable to leave, after the doctor must submit proof before), or by open processing. 2.2 in addition to illness and special circumstances need to leave, in any other case shall not be asked for leave. 2.3 eliminate private leave or fake work time, if there is any violation punishabl


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