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北京市食品安全风险来源分析 1 2 1 罗兰 ,洪岚 ,安玉发 (1.中国农业大学经济管理学院,北京 100083;2.北京物资学院,北京 101149) 摘 要:本研究以收集的北京市461 起新闻报道为研究样本,从报道涉及的食品 类别、供应链环节、责任主体和发生原因等四个方面对北京市食品安全风险来源 进行实证分析。分析表明,发生问题的食品类别主要集中在肉制品、水果制品、 糕点食品和调味品等加工食品上,加工环节发生食品安全事件的比例最高,大中 型企业是食品安全的第一责任人,发生原因主要以加工环节的要素使用不当、添 加有害投入品和人员环境不卫生为主。为此本文提出必须严格规范肉制品等高风 险食品的生产流通、加大食品加工环节控制力度、强化对大中型企业的监督检查 和对要素投入与人员环境卫生的监控等建议。 关键词:北京市;食品安全;风险来源;交叉分析 Risk Analysis in Beijings Food Safety 1 2 1 LUO Lan , HONG Lan , AN Yu Fa (1.College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083;2. Beijing Wuzi University,Beijing 104449 ) Abstract: This article took 504 food safety incidents happened in Beijing from 2001 to 2012 as research object, proceeding from the types of food, the supply chains, the main responsibilities and the essential reasons involved in these incidents to find out the risk sources in Beijing’s food safety. Conclusion was drawn that risks of food types are mainly concentrated in processed foods like meat products, fruit products, pastry food and spices. Processing chain has more problems than any other chains in the supply chains. Large and medium-sized enterprises are the primary responsibility. Improper usage of additives and harmful inputs and unsanitary personnel and environments are the key causes to Beijing’s food safety. In response to the mentioned key points, we propose that the government needs to strictly regulate the production and circulation in high risk food like processed meat production, increase efforts to control processing chain, strengthen the supervision 基金项目:教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目《基于供应链视角的质量安全


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